
Thursday, December 10, 2020

Well, that's embarrassing.....

TULSA, Okla. - A police pursuit on Saturday evening led to a crash near a nursing home after a driver mistakenly fled from a police officer who was on their way to help another officer. 

According to the Tulsa Police Department, the chase began around 8:20 p.m. near East 21st Street and South Memorial Drive when an officer turned on their lights and sirens to go help another officer when a truck that was driving in front of the officer then took off instead of moving over to allow the officers to pass. 


  1. Reminds me of a mate who lived well ou in the countryside, he'd had a couple of drinks and was driving home when a Police car passed him coming the other way he pulled over thinking he was done for police car spun around and came to check on him thinking he'd broken down... whoops

  2. That area is now little mexico. Lots of that there.


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