Some PC browsers display the warning, others don't.
I found out about it last night when a reader alerted me to it and I spent a good 2 hours trying to figure it out. About the only thing I found out is that it may be caused by software I installed. Only thing is, I haven't installed any software and I don't think I even have the ability to even if I wanted to.
Apparently somebody either reported me, google has a glitch in their system, or they're flagging me for conservative content.
Either of the scenarios seems likely because Peter sent me a couple links showing where Vox had the same problem about a week ago.
I did the same thing Vox did and submitted a request for a review - they reviewed his site, found nothing wrong, and removed the warning. His was done in a day or two, but the form I submitted says it may take up to a couple weeks.
I did a virus/malware scan on my laptop and it came up clean.
I open all links that I post and I haven't gotten any type of warning from my anti-virus saying that I shouldn't have done that.
I get all of my links from reputable sites and I haven't visited any unusual ones in I don't know how long, not even midget amputee porn sites.
I have made ZERO changes to my blog that may have triggered this.
I've got to take Lisa in for another doctor's appointment in a little while but when I return this afternoon, I'll continue to poke around to see if there's something I may have overlooked to fix this.