
Thursday, December 17, 2020

What a guy

NASHVILLE TN (WSMV) - Juvenile court records obtained by News4 Investigates show Devaunte Hill, now charged in the murder of nurse Caitlyn Kaufman, shot his grandmother and two other family members when he was sixteen years old. 

Those records show the very year after he pleaded guilty to aggravated assault in those shootings, he would then go on to plead guilty for robbery by using a gun to steal from an unnamed victim.


  1. Why is this piece of shit still consuming oxygen?

    Serious question. Violent criminal (against God damned family!!) at 16, repeated offenses... he's NOT going to ever be 'rehabilitated'. Have a fair and honest trial. Get him a good lawyer. Guilty? Fry his ass and be done with him.

    1. Easy answer friend.
      Karen doesn’t like the death penalty, but the bigger issue is normal folks protecting Karen.

  2. Remember the bad old days when guys like that would get a midnight visit and problem-o solved-o? Yeah, that was horrible.

  3. Devaunte?
    This "Guess the Race" game is getting awfully easy to play.


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