
Thursday, December 03, 2020

Your papers, please

On Wednesday the Department of Defense released the first images of a COVID-19 vaccination record card as well as vaccination kits, according to CNN. 

"Everyone will be issued a written card that they can put in their wallet that will tell them what they had and when their next dose is due," says Dr. Kelly Moore, associate director of the Immunization Action Coalition. "Let's do the simple, easy thing first. Everyone's going to get that." 


  1. Hahahahaha hahahahaha oh thats funny!!! Going to be tuff getting everyone to get the MARK. But the government will force you to get it, you know, its for your own good. This is not goin got end well, oh and remember, you can keep your doctor? How’s that working out for you? Let me guess your insurance costs went down like the government said it would? I’m like meh.


    Mr fbi, cia, dhs and fusion center hero these comments are for entertainment only and do not reflect any reality.

  2. The wife and I will be sending ours back with a big "FUCK YOU" on it!!!

  3. Total fake news bullshit. HIPAA laws already protect us from any health info leaving without our consent.

    1. And the Constitution explicitly says certain things that the Supreme Court holds do not really mean what it says, and things not stated in the Constitution are really there by “penumbras and emanations.”

    2. Pursuant to the government, there's all sorts of stuff that you consent to merely by existing. Guess how this will be interpreted?

  4. Like Mr. Young said in the article somewhere, “from the party who say you don’t need ID to vote”... what a shit show. Also who are the true Nazis wanting you to have papers to do anything. I’m so fed up with this bs.

  5. Papiere Bitte.


  6. Paper Covid card? Could be worse. The feds could use a microchip.

    1. First one, then the other.

  7. Four words, Nazis - FOAD

  8. Big fat No here.

    We have caught .GOV lying to us constantly during the covid buffoonery.
    So the Big pharma guys stand to make big$$$ on a vaccine for a virus that 80% of infected people dont even show symptoms.

    And Im gonna believe that is safe and necessary?

    Not only No, but FUCK NO.

  9. Everybody is worried about getting into stores and work. Wait until you cannot get health insurance without it. An easy way to slowly kill off those that refuse.

    Jeremy P.

  10. (pardon my french) Fuck no, never, ever. They can shove it. Nazis, every one of them. And now we know who the white supremacists really are and they are not the 'common' folk.

  11. Are they gonna make Santi Claua get one? I mean he's fictional too.

  12. FUCK'UM to Hell and back.

  13. When reading articles such as that, I always remember what the DoD JAG told us during their required briefs: "Violation of civil rights may or may not justify the use of deadly force, but attempted kidnapping, extortion, blackmail, denial of rights accompanied by threats of deadly force used to achieve compliance certainly due rise to that level. Self-defense is ALWAYS a legitimate response. There is NO reason that said defensive action must be face-to-face, nor is anyone required to wait for the first shot to be fired before responding. Government officials - and the 'Karens' demanding they make us comply - should think their actions through to the inevitable conclusion.

  14. Yeah well about that, not gonna happen. 😎

  15. This will become an internal passport, one of the hallmarks of authoritarian repression.

  16. That would be a big NOPE!

    There is no way I am going to get a vaccine that requires two doses which will give me a week of flu like side effects for each injection for a virus that I have a 99.7% chance of surviving.

  17. Next dose? What the hell kind of vaccine is this that you have to take it that frequently!? It's not the fucking flu where you have a new strain every year.

  18. Just like any document, it'll be easy enough to forge.

  19. none of you are gonna do a damn thing.

  20. This comment has been removed by the author.

  21. How much do you want to bet those ex-presidents actually get a placebo instead of the real deal?

  22. "Let's do the simple, easy thing first. Everyone's going to get that." First.... so what's the "complicated, hard thing" they have in mind for later?

  23. I have my grandmother's social security card. Written in large print across the bottom, it says " Not for identification purposes." Because when it started, people still knew and trusted what the Bible said, and wanted no part of being just a number in the government machine.
    I see no difference now. I have gone along with a lot of governmental BS up until now, playing the go along to get along game. But after witnessing this election, and knowing just how crooked it was, no matter what the leadership tries to assert, I am no longer one of those people who let the government BS me, and smile and take it.
    They have declared war on the people, by stealing an election, and are no better than one of the communist nations. The should stay off my porch, they are not welcome.



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