
Wednesday, January 27, 2021

A strong family resemblance



  1. Well that's kinda cheesy ain't it?

    1. Luke, I am your great-great-great...ah, screw it. I am your ancestor.

  2. He will soon be targeted by the left for wearing black face, even if it was popular 9000 years ago.

  3. Mean sunburn on caveboy...or wishful thinking?

    1. White skin is a fairly recent adaptation. Some time in the last 8,000 years.

      Happened in response to the rise of agriculture in Europe and Europeans not getting enough Vitamin D in their diet. Get rid of the melanin, and we can apparently make our own through exposure to sunlight.

      This is funny since it's the dindu supremacist brigade that's running around claiming to be "solar (em)powered," when in reality it's actually us crackers.

    2. As the story is told, only a skeleton was found. Nothing was reported about skin, much less black skin, being found. Maybe this is some lefty stunt to push the idea that 9000 years ago England's population was black.

  4. More of the slobbering over the dindus that pollutes all facets of science nowadays! 9,00 years ago this fella would resemble a Gallic type as he'd be related to those who crossed the land bridge between Europe and England at the end of the last ice age. Of course, these are the same wanks and cuntbubbles who try to tell us that Cleopatra and Hannibal were black.

    1. And when someone tells me that Cleo and Hanni baby were black I say you mean those slave owners?

  5. As I've said before, the people occupying positions of power and influence believe that you don't deserve to have a history. It's worse than your history being erased, your history is being OVERWRITTEN.

    Over at Phil's place someone (howdy, RWT) reported that Alexa was telling his family that Mark Twain was "97% Black". That's what I mean by "overwritten". Only colored-people and suffering narratives are permitted, and only one narrative TRULY matters. Ever wonder why we don't learn about the Holodomor (for example) in US schools?

  6. Speaking of Alexa,

    A friend of mine gifted a cheap alexa to his grandparents who are Russians. A few days later he visited them and wanted to be smart. Said "Alexa, play some classical music", few moments later alexa played the soviet national anthem. Old farts got pissed off and alexa ended up in trash can. So figure out the rest of the story.


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