
Wednesday, January 27, 2021

Agencies Investigating Cause Of Death Of Person Who Died Hours After Receiving Vaccine

PLACER COUNTY (CBS13) – Multiple agencies are investigating the cause of death of an individual who died Thursday, hours after receiving the COVID-19 vaccine – the Placer County Sheriff’s Office announced on Saturday. 


He got the vaccine after he was diagnosed with having covid? Why?


  1. no effing way I am allowing that "jab" to enter my body.

    COVID - 99.7% survival rate according to our betters. What is the point of the vaccine?

    Discuss amongst yourselves.

    Steve the Engineer

    1. And that's the point, isn't it? Smallpox, Polio, yes, take the vaccine because the virus may indeed kill you. Covid 19? You have about 1/4 of a percent chance of dying, so what's the point of a vaccine other than to make some very large companies a huge profit.
      And the Covid 19 virus has NOT been isolated, so how the hell did they concoct an actual vaccine against it? For all we know this is the prequel to "The Walking Dead"!

    2. It isn't really about the profit WCD, it's about social control.

      And it isn't an actual vaccine, it's an extracted protein soup.

  2. You asked why? Low information sheep incapable of critical thought. But, you already knew that, huh? Sorry, but sometimes even a rhetorical question deserves an explicit response...

  3. why would you take a vaccine anyway with a virus that has a 99% recovery rate?

  4. They ain't "bikers". They're Beaner Mopeders.

  5. Good question.... not a doctor or a medical professional but with a little background in biology. The vaccine provides the template for the protein that our bodies respond to in building antibodies. So, perhaps their reasoning was that it would help him build anti-bodies faster and help him get well sooner. I received the vaccine last Friday, so far I've only had a sore shoulder and that for only a day. Talking to other staff members who also got it the reactions were varied from 'nothing' to my slightly sore shoulder to mild flu symptoms. Those are all from folks who haven't had COVID. One staff member has, his was a mild case but he decided to get the vaccine anyway..... second day, out for a walk he was suddenly so dizzy and nauseous that he could barely make it the couple of hundred yards back to his house. Symptoms eventually eased of later in the day. This is such a weird disease affecting so many people so differently. The medical staff told me to expect the second dose to be worse that the first. After some thought my working hypothesis is that this method of generating antibodies is so effective at that my body will be primed for any additional insult. Depending upon the dose of mRNA (haven't been able to find out if the booster shot has the same amount or a different amount) that's in that second dose, my immune system may go a little bit into overdrive. It might also be like when they first rolled out Cialis. They gave those out in 100 mg tablets.... with some unpleasant side effects... now the dosage is either 5 mg or 20 mg same positive effect (woo! woo!) with less side effects. It might be that with experience they can dial the dosages back a little and still get the effect we want. My $0.02 FWIW.

    1. Had to look up what cialis is. Wow 100 mg trials down to 5-20 mg prescriptions. Did they start trials with horses? Never mind I don’t need to know.

    2. Most allergies and immune responses start small, you are young and eat a bag of peanuts, no problem, you exhibit no systems, but you have primed some pump that saw the protein in peanuts as dangerous. You eat another small bag of peanuts, you have a small immune response from that, maybe a small rash or a rather upset tummy, nausea. Couple months later you eat another, maybe larger bag of those peanuts. Bammo! you have shortness of breath, your lungs can't seem to catch your breath. Rashes break out all over your body, you are not in full anaphylaxis and you are taken to a local ER, they inject epinephrine, you respond well. They do an allergy reaction test on you, discover you have a strong response to peanut proteins. You stay away from all nuts. One day you eat some thing made with peanuts or their byproducts. Full anaphylactic shock, you either can't inject yourself of no one realize you have an Epi pen which could have saved.

    3. BlueMntCeltic, nothing personal but your working hypothesis is fatally flawed.

      Antibodies don't respond to RNA or mRNA, they respond to specific points on the short protein spikes on the outside surface of the virus that allow the virus to attach to cell walls prior to infiltration. They can't even recognize long chains like mRNA, much less do anything about them.

      Regarding your working hypothesis, you have it exactly backwards. The more effective a method of generating antibodies is, the more primed your system is, the fewer the potential side effects because the body can deal with the situation. The side effects are increasing with each dose precisely because the body CAN'T deal with the situation effectively.

      The soreness is due to localized inflammation. Inflammation, dizziness and nausea all indicate that the body can't cope with a toxin.

  6. Just to be clear ....

    Every possible death shall be counted as due to the chi-dem wuhan flu including heart attacks, falls off ladders, auto accidents, cancer, old age, diabetes, et al because the deader might have been exposed to the virus at sometime

    Also, there shall be no deaths recorded due to the vaccine because it cannot be positively, absolutely proven beyond any doubt that the deader could not have died from another cause

    1. Not anymore.....Orange man gone....

      The “bidet” has been installed.....

      “bidet” has flushed the WuHan flu out.....freedom is next.


  7. If cause of death was vaccine, expect the government to say cause of death was heart attack, stroke, suicide, cancer, car wreck, homicide, drowning, fall...

  8. "He got the vaccine after he was diagnosed with having covid? Why?"

    "It's policy; it doesn't need a reason."

  9. Hank Aaron died a week or so after getting it

    1. The old woman saw some shit a couple hours ago that claims Hank Aaron did not die from the vaccine. Told her that I could put up a web page, show a picture of old Hank, and claim that he did die of the vax. Message about how easy it is to create propaganda didn't sink in.

  10. CDC is running radio spots all through the day. 'Wear a mask even when alone inside the car.' And other crap 'advice'. Then there is the state-wide debacle of inefficient distribution of vaccines. This after the state highly advertised that large vaccine centers are opening and people need to take the shot. Other agencies, like county-level, are telling people to snitch on each other.

    This thing has turned into a mental health crisis and agencies have grabbed onto that as means to implement their plans. It is that simple.

    1. Next week they'll tell us the chinabug is in our water.

  11. This is so many orders of magnitude beyond merely totally unacceptable it defies articulation.


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