
Wednesday, January 20, 2021

‘All’ Republicans are ‘Guilty’ of Capitol Attack and Should be ‘Forced to Shut the Hell Up,’ Louisville Professor Says

University of Louisville professor Ricky Jones wrote in an op-ed that Republicans should “be forced to shut the hell up” about the Capitol Hill attack unless they denounce their former support of President Donald Trump. 

“Republicans, you should not be allowed to speak about being shocked by President Donald Trump or the recent right-wing raid in Washington, D.C., for your words ring hollow,” wrote Jones, who is the chair of the Pan-African Studies department.


  1. Dear Ricky,

    Eat shit and die!

    Yours Truly,

    Your Worst Nightmare

    1. my exact words just add the mother fkr part on the end

  2. seriously, if you weren't there, shut up. if you were there and left your cell phone home, shut up. if you were there and took your cell phone with you, good luck and do precisely what the US Marshals tell you to do when they show up.

  3. Why don't you come make me ya nancy pants

  4. After 4 years of the dimocrat hate and lies this POS needs to keep his mouth shut.

  5. Who has the list....this assclown needs to be on it.

  6. What kind of job does a degree in Pan-African Studies get you besides possibly getting you professorship at a public university so you can teach more of the same useless crap to future malcontents?

    1. NOTHING!
      "anything" studies is a BS "degree" for those that cannot actually do anything [useful]. We have many of them where I work. Like probably about 3/4 of this place is filled with people who can't really do anything except whine and moan about "racist, rude conservatives."
      -Just A Chemist

  7. Damn near all leftist goons being arrested. He's a little behind the curve.

  8. Regarding the above comments by Ricky: I will take that under advisement. Which depending on the context used is a very polite way of saying either "fuck you" or "go fuck yourself".

  9. Where's this negro's office? What are his office hours? What about his home address?

  10. Professors of Pan African Studies...and you kept quiet during all the summer "mostly Peaceful Celebrations" ...Ya right....yank on the other has bells on it.....

  11. Perhaps we should email him with our opinions of his opinions.


  13. Unity. And, you know, the science.

  14. Oh 1 of Biden's reign and we have Antifa protests (invariably peaceful btw) waving banners saying "We don't want Biden. We want revenge"
    Antifa and BLM were useful idiots in the demonrats playbook of destroying Trump and now they're expendable.
    Watch it all implode from hereon out as I said before. The left are turning on each other destroying themselves from within. Good!
    Trump had every opportunity to make serious inroads into the swamp but I suspect either his family were threatened if he did or he was simply vastly outnumbered which as we see now is pretty much the case given the disloyalty in his camp.
    Looks like about a year before things go nuclear so I hope everyone's well prepped.

  15. I would like to invite that zulu to come and try to shut me up. It would prove to be entertaining.

  16. What a wonderful demonstration of the Lefts tolerance and search for unity.

  17. A professor that supports free speech by censoring. Makes ya wonder if he actually went to school for his degree.

  18. Wow... All dressed up in a suit and tie, possibly speaking understandable English. That particular Halloween costume is called the "Civilized Look". Impressive.


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