
Tuesday, January 12, 2021

He was on a mission from God

An Ultimate Fighting Championship mixed martial arts fighter is accused of stabbing his two sisters early Thursday as they slept in a spare bedroom in his apartment because a “higher power” told him to do so, police in Florida said.


  1. Well I’m on a mission from God, but I don’t go around stabbing my sisters. (Just kidding—about the part on being on a mission from God).

  2. But will he still be able to get the money to the Cook County Assessor's Office in time?

  3. I imagine one sister says to the other sister:
    "Let's go visit our nut-case brother with all the knives for a sleep-over!"

    Second sister says:
    "Great idea! I'll bring the bandages!"

  4. No, the Blues Brothers were on a Mission From God. This guy guy is just fucked up!


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