
Tuesday, January 12, 2021

I see nothing wrong here

Some SJW must've taken this. He's not taking four spots close to the store, he's in an area where's there's plenty of room to park and for him to get in and out of his vehicle, and far enough away that his shit's not getting dinged by a Prius - all this without inconveniencing anybody else.
Oh wait - his big work truck's white. The owner must a racist. Yeah, that's it.



  1. My truck is like that and I do that sometimes.

  2. Yeah, well, that is a little over the line there, but I've seen the same crap done by Prius drivers, so...….

  3. The only thing wrong is: The owner needs to be told: "Get it washed".

  4. Yeah Ken - but look at all of the mud !! Probably up to no good, doing 'rednecky' things, chasing Forrest Gump or even lynching a person of color. Clear evidence of nefarious acts of no good.

    You just made the list you you - truck driver person you !!!

  5. It is also a WORK truck.
    Does he have permission from the government to WORK?

  6. We had a guy where I worked who would do that close to the entrance in the employee lot. Dead centered on the cross. We got him by angle parking four cars so there wasn't enough room for him to squeeze out.

  7. I have a 4 door Dodge 3500 dulie, (not the mega cab) with a HIllsboro 8‘ flat bed, its a big truck. It will not fit into a normal size single auto parking slot. Hell it is a bitch to maneuver in any parking lot! So yes I park away from any store front or in the next lot over. And yes sometimes I will pull just that very stunt. As of this date I have never had anyone give me grief. Now I wold expect grief if I pulled that shit up close to the store,

  8. And yet he parked it by the cart return.....Never park by the cart return; the shoppers never put the carts completely into the return and gravity takes over and they roll out. Usually towards my truck. I always park "uphill" of the cart return.

    1. I used to feel that any new car of mine had to be vaccinated by having some fool let a shopping cart go uphill of the car.

  9. The problem is, businesses don't want to pay for enough real estate to have adequate parking, so they make the spaces too small to reasonably fit the most popular class of vehicles in the country. I drive a full size crew cab and I just take the closest space I can find. Centered on most spaces and pulled all the way in, I still stick out into the lane, and if you're parked next to me you probably can't get your doors open all the way. What this guy did is a lot more considerate of other shoppers.

    1. "What this guy did is a lot more considerate of other shoppers."

      Maybe, but the way the picture is taken, it's hard to tell where in the lot he is. Well away from the nail place, true enough, but it might be pretty close to the grocery store.

  10. The lot is mostly empty, so what? It's only a dick move if it's crowded.
    And those spots next to the cart return are small. I've parked in them when I've had to in my Rav4 and they are tight. wouldn't take much for a nitwit to squeeze in and ding his truck.

    Few years back, I had an 83 chevy silence-of-the-lambs van. It was ugly. I'd have parked it right next to that truck, just to be a dick myself.

  11. How the fuck is it bothering you? I see plenty of places to park, even up close to the nail place. This is more considerate than when I came out of the store the other day and some half witted inbred dumb ass mother fucker was parked about two inches from my driver door.

  12. I own a long truck and they are a royal pain in some parking lots. Especially the grocery store.

  13. That far away, he’s done nuthin’ wrong. Good to see a truck that leaves the pavement rather than one owned by a SJW that is pristeen. I do feel for him, though, if he has to shop for groceries at FoodLion.

    1. Stay away from the fish and meat section.

  14. I've seen this done before. As noted above, sometimes it's just necessary for the vehicle. I have no problem with the driver using their head to safely park.

  15. When I drive my privately-owned LMTV (M1081) to town, I do just like that pickup truck driver. Park far away from other vehicles, take up four spots, and tell the snowflakes to F-off.
    What I love is pulling through the big-box hardware store loading zones and stopping in a lane or two to load up. Especially when the losers park there "just for a quick stop to shop". Some day, I will push their POS out of the loading zone.
    Wandering Neurons

  16. I have a 4 door crew cab with a short box and I park one space away from the cart return . In less than a year after I bought it, while at work I ende up with had dings from other trucks or vans in all 4 doors. So I park away from other vehicles as well. What bugs me though is I will park at least one space away from other vehicles and inevitably someone will park right next to me. With all the empty spaces around they will park right next to my truck. I do not get it.

    1. Those are the same people who will walk into a mens room with 4 urinals and seeing me on the end with 3 unoccupied urinals will take the 1 right next to me...

    2. That's where you switch hands, stick your hand over for a friendly shake and say "Hey, hou you doing, some weather we're having, ain't it" and keep it going until he realizes a little space is a good idea.

  17. I can park my truck on the far side of an empty parking lot and be damned certain some asswipe/cretin will park right next to it. I have no problem keying it, or even waiting around to see what kind of person it is. I've even moved my truck over a couple of feet to block the door, and just wait.

    Because I'm old, and will take my entertainment where I can find it.

  18. I always park as far away from the shopping centre as possible because of the gravitational theory of carpark idiots.
    ie they'll always group together and that's always nearest the entrance.

  19. This is never an issue to me, especially if he parked it that way back in the lower 40. Indeed, it's actually better for the other drivers because his very big and very long truck - with trailer hitch to boot - isn't sticking 3 feet out into the driving lane.

    However, cars and light trucks are social animals. You could park all by yourself, way out in the nether reaches of the lot, with 100 empty spaces all around you - and some dickhead will park right next to you.

    1. That's because they want to check to see what you have in your bed, maybe score on a generator or some other expensive tools

  20. If they'd stop making the parking spaces smaller and smaller every year, this wouldn't be an issue. I always have to park at the far end of the lot just so nobody parks next to my truck because if they do, I can't open the door.

    1. In our local grocery store lot, half the vehicles in there are pick-up trucks

  21. I drive an S class Mercedes which has aluminium doors which are easy to dent and expensive to repair. I park all by myself in the remotest part of the lot. Someone always parks right F'ing next to me when there are lots of other spaces.
    There are two things wrong with this picture. One, there are idiots who take a running start and release their carts in the general direction of the cart corral not caring if it hits a nearby vehicle. Two, that truck is ugly, ugly, ugly. It must have been styled by a committee of blind people.


  22. Letterkenny parking problems

  23. I drive a big van for work and i park like this so i can get big parts out of the doors with out hitting other cars

  24. I agree that kind of parking is ok in the back of a parking lot with sufficient space. Now in the front of a busy parking lot and your a shitty selfish human.


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