
Tuesday, January 19, 2021

Paranoid much?

WASHINGTON (AP) — U.S. defense officials say they are worried about an insider attack or other threat from service members involved in securing President-elect Joe Biden’s inauguration, prompting the FBI to vet all of the 25,000 National Guard troops coming into Washington for the event.


  1. I dont believe anything the AP says. Trump ordered the troops to be there. Do you really think Trump is worried that a NG will shoot Biden?? I hope the fence is to keep the politicians inside while they are arrested for treason

    1. If I recall the story from another source yesterday, it wasn't the Defense Department who warned about "dangerous Alt-Right Republicans" in the military. It was the Biden transition team who demanded that all troops be vetted and their voting records and social media traffic given close scrutiny.

      As I recall the story, the Defense Department refused the "request".

      But then again, this is AP's version of the "truth".

  2. I will not be surprised at all if there is an attempt on Biden. In fact, I fully expect an attack to be used as a false flag op to justify total martial law.

    1. With harris in the wings with her buddy hillary if I was slojoe I'd already be on a plane to a very well hidden cave somewhere far far away. And I'd kneecap mcturtle to give them something to gnaw on while I made my getaway.

  3. Who wants to bet me that a bunch of BLMtifa troops wearing MAGA hats are going to mysteriously appear at tomorrow’s coronation and start some shit with the NG troops?

    Which of course will lead to a full-on media blitz about how we need to get rid of that dangerous 2nd Amendment.

  4. I hear all the weapons are unloaded.

    Kell farce.

  5. Maybe, just maybe, if they hadn't STOLEN THE ELECTION, they wouldn't even need to THINK ABOUT protecting themselves from The People.

    Then there's the "Loyalty Test" for the NG troops. Anyone who wasn't afraid of The People wouldn't need to ask the NG troops to violate their oath.

    I took that oath. It wasn't to a man.

    Especially to one as undeserving as the one they're asking for the loyalty to.

    What I'd really like to know is who are they trying to convince that they're legitimate, with this shit show of military power.

    If they had won the election fair and square they wouldn't need the shit show.

    The "official reasoning"(lie in any other context) that the need was caused or incited by the "riots and storming of the Capitol" on January 6th is just more horseshit piled on top of horse shit.

    They're scared, plain and simple.

    I'm just wondering how long, after the inauguration, these troops are going to remain on station and how often we'll see biden in public afterwards.

    Those two things will tell you all you need to know about the legitimacy of this .gov.


  6. ...and if you want more perspective on what is going on with NG deployment to DC watch Tuckers monologue from last night:


  7. I hope there's at least one fucker crazy enough to do it.

  8. "What we have here is.....failure to communicate".....and a bunch of motherfuckers cheating Americans out of an honest election.....Don't start no shit, you don't have to worry about no shit....this is guilty conscience raising it's ugly head, pure and simple....


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