
Thursday, January 28, 2021

Rural America, Prepare for Biden's Newly-Proposed Tax

When President Joe Biden announced former South Bend, Indiana Mayor Pete Buttigieg as his pick for Transportation Secretary, many scratched their heads. Why would he tap someone who oversaw a small budget, in a small town, in the midwest for such a role? That puzzle is finally coming together. 

It turns out that Biden favors Buttigieg's transportation views, specifically the idea that America should move away from the gas tax and instead opt into a tax based on the number of miles a person travels. It would be a new way to provide cash for the Highway Trust Fund, which currently funding from the federal gas tax. As it currently stands, the federal gas tax is 18.4 cents per gallon and 24.4 cents per gallon for diesel.


  1. There is a bill just filed here in the Wyoming legislaughter that would do precisely this. Curiously though, the bill doesn't have any real persons listed as sponsors, now we know.... This is the kind of shit that would get people tarred and feathered here.

  2. OK, if vehicles not using gasoline or diesel fuel have to pay by mile, fine. But if you think imposition of a universal tax based on the number of miles a person travels will result in removal of federal taxes on gasoline and diesel, you’re smokin’ dope.

    1. Hey, they eventually got rid of the telephone tax to pay for the Spanish-American War. You know, in 2006.

  3. I am bemused by the so-called "mileage tax." The federal and state gasoline and diesel taxes are exactly that. You are taxed in proportion to how far you drive. Moreover, the gasoline/diesel tax has the built-in advantage of putting a surtax on low mileage vehicles, something the mileage tax doesn't do. A mileage tax would in fact push people towards low mileage SUV's.

    The utter stupidity of our Ruling Class is beyond description.

    1. What if they are not stupid, just wicked and evil?

    2. Not stupid - the low mpg luxury SUV’s that this encourages are MUCH more expensive - and when loaded with options has a higher profit margin than lower end vehicles.

      Can’t argue with the wicked and evil though.

    3. The thing is - they want everyone driving EVs....

      This is the only way to tax the electrical vehicles.

      And we all know government has to get their cut.

  4. I foresee a big black market opportunity for those that can alter odometer readings.

  5. how are they going to know how far I travel???
    My truck is a 1960 Ford-no computers

    1. Yeah... about that... remember cash for clunkers? You ain't gonna be allowed to keep that. Oh, you've got a large truck? Gonna get real hard to find gas for that beast real soon...

    2. That's what wood gasifiers are for. Lubricants would then be the sticking point.

      Although it would really suck if you lived in a city, the plains, or the desert.

      Or California, seems all their dead wood outside of the cities is getting cleaned up.

  6. @sykes - They are doing it because "electric vehicles don't use gas/diesel", which was the justification when I saw the first trial balloon floated many years ago. But also don't discount the ability to track wherever you drive, since a 'black box' would need to be installed on your vehicle using GPS to track your mileage. Also, insurance companies can use your 'black box' information to 'adjust' your insurance rates, and the towns/cities that fund themselves via speeding tickets would find a 'black box' a godsend for revenue.


    1. Don't forget the little printer for the box, so it can pop out tickets whenever you hit 5 over...

    2. Built in god to track ‘miles driven’ also makes it *way* too easy to track WHERE you’ve driven - which is none of their damned business.

    3. your cell phone is already a black box. all of that info- your location, how fast you drive, where you drive, and how far you travel can be calculated already.

    4. They don't need the black box per se. An app for your smartphone. It's already in use for new drivers to get anything resembling affordable insurance where I live(Kanada). Big sister wuvs you.

    5. Bingo. Big Brother will be tracking every person who drives a vehicle, regardless the type of fuel. Who/what/where/when/why.

  7. Tar & feathers - a practice that needs to make a BIG comeback.

  8. Not about tax, it's about control and herding everyone into dense population centers - surveillance, processing and disposal.

  9. And how do our wise and benevolent leaders know how many miles we travel?

    1. Do you have your smartphone with you in your vehicle. Bingo.

  10. If you feel it justifiable to tax per mile traveled, then it needs to be logical.

    1) Like RFD for mail, rural areas would be exempt or have a baseline they must surpass before their miles are taxed.

    2)In order to reduce congestion and pollution in urban areas, all urban dwellers would pay a minimum mileage base fee every year in addition to the per mile tax.

    3) Prices of goods would include a per mile tax paid on the number of miles each traveled before purchase. This would also encourage Buy American and Buy Local efforts. For example, would you rather pay the per mile tax on a car delivered from Detroit or from Korea?

  11. And my dirt bikes? How about my street motorcycles? My on-off road bike? Miles in my airplane? Boat? Where the hell does this end? Its been how many weeks since the thief in chief has been in? What to come is frightening.

    Remember when they come for you, take five with you.

    1. screw that "five", pile'm up like Michael Caine did during the last charge of the Zulus at Roarke's Drift

  12. This isn't about revenue, and it isn't about "fairness", it's about surveillance.

    None of their fucking business how many miles you drive, or even what you drive.

  13. Tracking methods include: phones, built-in car GPS, license plate cameras everywhere. Additionally, estimates of miles traveled based on your gasoline purchases (by card, they know from your acct number; by cash, they'll still have your license plate from photos at the station) and the MPG of the vehicles registered to you.

    PLUS, they can just send you a bill, and burden of proof is on YOU to show that the bill is wrong. Heads they win, tails you lose. Duh.

    It's not about the environment, or fairness, or logic. Is anything these assholes do that's logical? THESE PEOPLE DON'T THINK LIKE US. STOP EXPECTING THEM TO. Try to think like a paranoid, resentful person who has a bone-deep conviction that everyone is out to get them. Think like a jealous, arrogant, neurotic person hell-bent on revenge for all the suffering that your people endured throughout history. THAT'S the mindset of the new regime.

  14. Too bad Reagan killed off the power of the AFL-CIO
    The prices of all goods go up when the truckers are further broken.
    They can hardly make it now, Tax them and then have Amazon Trucking INC. take over.
    (With kickbacks, goes unsaid doesn't it?)

  15. How bout this? Address the SPENDING problem in gv'mt and watch the so-called revenue problem vanish.

    On a side note, last night I caught a bit of Hannity calling for Obiden to ban the use of private aircraft by gv'mt officials. Got this picture in my head of Nancy Spoilosi riding back to CA in her 'lectric smart car.

  16. Gun Owners of America used to have a weekly radio program on the local station. Their opening was, "It's not about gun control, it's about control."

  17. These Feds apparently don't take into account what we're already paying in state gas taxes. Newslum just increased our's in CA a few months back. BTW anybody else noticing the Biden gas bump; it's up 15 cents a gallon here in SoCal.


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