
Sunday, January 03, 2021

Sunday Video 9



  1. When and where did this happen?

    Sorry Wirecutter if this already went through. Computer has been wonky lately so I was not sure.


  2. Wish there was more lead up to the confrontation. What we get to see looks like assault on the woman.

  3. Now that’s marrying material......NOT !

  4. Prior to hitting somebody in the head, prepare for the potential of brain injury.

    A falling person can hit their head against pavement with the equivalent force of a 30mph motorcycle crash.

    A traumatic brain injury requires months to semi-heal... and the patient may never experience complete healing or regain their abilities prior to the injury.
    For this reason, successive impacts -- days or decades apart -- create injuries on a geometric scale.


  5. Ударила полицейского и получила ответ 😀

    1. For our non Russian friends...
      Hit the cop and got the answer

  6. I would like to see the rest of this video. I bet she deserved it

    1. How could she deserve a closed fist response from that big cop? If he did that to his wife (who she probably reminded him of) he'd be in deep shit.

    2. The cop punched her in the face twice after the black dude picked her up. She didn't deserve that.

    3. Probably not. Cop shops are well known for sweeping cop related domestic abuse under the rug. Especially since it could cost them their firearm. You on the other hand, they will pile on charges and put you under the jail.

    4. She swung on the cop. At the start she was interfering with them and was pushed away by the female cop. When she got to her feet she took a poke at the cop who then decked her. Drunk, low IQ or both.

  7. Replies
    1. Wow, did you actually watch the clip cause if you attack me i will hit you back. A female cop pushes her and her drunk ass falls down and attacks a male cop who came to check on her she hits him he defends himself. What part of that do you fail to understand!!!

    2. Oh hell no. Hit her harder next time.

    3. @wv.citybilly, act like a man, get your ass whipped like a man

  8. Why didn't her man lay the cop out?

    1. He was being arrested. I'm thinking he was the one in the middle against the car at the start.

  9. She over reacted to a push like a soccer player faking an injury.

  10. Starts off with the chick taking a soccer dive. Nothing else to say other than she FAFO.

  11. Slow learner. First trying to interfere as they're searching someone, they pretty gently push her away, and she goes down. She gets up, claws at the guys face, and gets put down again. After getting up...she takes ANOTHER swipe at his face? Did she expect a different result this time?

  12. Meh. She swung at him just before he popped her one. She wants to play like the boys, she gets what she deserves. When I grew up if you swing on a cop they beat the hell outta you. Come to think of it you swore at a cop the result was the same.

  13. Me thinks some alcohol is involved.

    The 1st officer to intervene was a female (with the pony tail). The woman went a bit too far back (alcohol??).

    When the woman stood up off the ground, she swung at the male officer who defended himself. The 2nd takedown can't really tell as the camera was moving around though a "fuck you" is heard (woman's voice, just don't know which one).

    Again, alcohol was probably involved.

  14. Drunk and totally the wrong shoes, if you're gonna be dancing on the street...

  15. I would be curious to find out how many of the the commenters have actually been hit in the face before. It is a special feeling. A lot of things happen at light speed. No thinking takes place its all reflex, as in return fire from where it came & be right quick about it. To apply 'Monday morning quarterback' expectations of fairness, deserve or not deserve ridiculous and not grounded in reality. That cop's reaction was instinctual and fast aggressive. Ugly to be sure but I can find no flaw in his actions.

  16. my son (sheriffs deputy) says the hardest people to subdue are women (especially black women) who think they can do anything and not get hit or charged.


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