
Friday, January 01, 2021

The Time For Petitions is Over. There Really Isn’t Any Good Choices In The Situation We Find Ourselves In.

I’ve been called a lot of names recently: insurrectionists, nuts, a disgrace, seditious, traitor, and a new personal favorite from yesterday a Red Dawn key board warrior. Now granted most of the comments are from new vistors to the site who know absolutely nothing about me. It’s fine I get it. What we are faced with is scaring the living daylights out of people and it’s very disturbing to them to read and hear the things that I and others on this fine establishment known as NCRenegade write. Our founding fathers were called traitors and rebels, so I’d say I’m in pretty good company. Your attempt at insults let me know that yes we are on the right path.


  1. what i find interesting is that when they attack me they say they'll sic the army and or cops on me. you mean the army you villify, defund and send to die in deep state wars? you mean the cops you defund, lie about, attack and now take away their tools with which to protect you? those guys are going to face me and my veteran buddies to protect you?
    another arguement is " how will you red states mke it w/o kali and new york?" far as i know we make it just fine w/o them now. my question is how they are going to make it w/o us.
    one loudmouth lady in va., lives in the northern liberal enclave, taunted me with "we're the majority now, get over it." that's funny considering 98% of va. just went 2a sanctuary, and we put 25k armed folks in the capitol, and the movement has grown since then. it would take a few hundred to seal them off and drive them from va. governor blackface won't even travel outside his liberal bastions, with good reason.
    a long time ago an esteemed senator stood in opposition of some bs law, saying " we should be careful of making laws that cannot be enforced or that will be ignored by the public just so politicians look busy. once the public figures it out, they begin to ignore ALL laws, and we become irrelevant." gov northam has become irrelevant, as will the feds soon.

    1. Guess what....the soldiers sent to die in turd world countries and the cops being vilified and denigrated constantly will STILL obey their masters orders when sent to disarm you, imprison you, kill you. They are BRAINWASHED to violate rights and infringe on freedoms. They CAN'T HELP IT. They will follow orders no matter what.

    2. ...another arguement is " how will you red states mke it w/o kali and new york?"

      I don't know either, but I'm willing to give it a try.

    3. We produce most of the food and have plenty of water. Can't wait till the truckers park their trucks, it will require mass quantities of popcorn.

  2. I just signed up for this website. Thanks, Ken.

  3. True in 1776 and true now.
    THESE are the times that try men’s souls. The summer soldier and the sunshine patriot will, in this crisis, shrink from the service of their country; but he that stands it now, deserves the love and thanks of man and woman.

    Tyranny, like hell, is not easily conquered; yet we have this consolation with us, that the harder the conflict, the more glorious the triumph.

  4. Dont bet against Trump
    Look what Lin Wood says

    1. He is losing it or a grifter. Now says epstein still alive.

  5. From outside your wonderful nation, may God look after you.
    We need a good US of A.

  6. kenny, my family's farm was 7 miles away from buford's massacre. 150 were wounded so severely they couldn't be moved. My kinfolks tended them until most of them died, they were hacked and bayoneted as torture, not war wounds. They then fought at Hanging Rock, Kings Mountain, Cowpens, and small skirmishes all over the carolinas.

    How can we do less and not give up our honor and character. If it goes down, keep your head down and stay frosty, maybe see you in the boonies.


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