
Wednesday, January 13, 2021

The Top 10 Friendliest Chicken Breeds

Who doesn’t want a flock of happy chickens that come running when you approach them? Though some people prioritize traits such as egg production, cold hardiness, outward appearances if raising for show, chicken size, or growth speed, for those of us backyard flock keepers, having friendly chickens as our pets is a big reason we own chickens in the first place. How do we guarantee the ones we put in our backyard will be friendly? Well, as with most pets, how the owner treats their flock is just as important in determining chickens’ temperament as choosing the right breed.


  1. Wow! I never even knew a silkie chicken existed before I read the article. It doesn’t even look like a chicken.

    1. I knew a guy that had a bunch of them. They were cute but I don't recall them being particularly friendly.

    2. I have had several silkies. The one I've got now is fairly friendly. Previous ones would sit in my lap and eat out of my hand.

  2. Growing up we always some form of Plymouth Rock either barred or white. Super friendly birds. I now for the last two decades or so keep Black Australorps also very friendly and never any drama when introducing new birds to the flock. A few months back I picked up six Black Minorca pullets. Tall good looking chickens and also very friendly to my surprise.

  3. Just name them breakfast, lunch, dinner, fried, grilled, etc.


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