
Thursday, January 07, 2021

Threats that will outlast Donald Trump exposed in siege of Capitol

It was bad, unspeakably and unfathomably so -- utter lawlessness and disorder, carnage in the seat of American government, happening with the seeming encouragement of the outgoing president. 

It could have been worse. It might still get there, even with President Donald Trump's statement Thursday morning pledging "there will be an orderly transition on January 20th." 


"Cleansing the movement he commands, or getting rid of what he represents to so many Americans, is going to be something else."

Damn, that sounds ominous as hell, doesn't it?


  1. Trump needs to declassify, declassify and declassify. Only then will we get to see how the backbone and connections of the swamp.

    1. We were past that point several months ago, possibly longer and even then as now, the entrenched swamp critters would not release them. It is not like they are in a file in his office.
      They continue to fail at understanding this is not about President Trump and never really has been. He is more one of us than they are and I too believe he wanted to try to right this ship, he knows this is the best system on Earth even with its flaws and warts.
      This is about stomping down, ever so slowly and now with vigor, the American beliefs and values; our heritage and culture; our Beaming Light and open arms to other like minded peoples and it is the lack of this last step that has helped kill this country.
      They also fail to understand, no matter how many sheeples they have, there will be a sizeable group that will not go quietly into the night.
      We may see a dark time as Biden predicted, but it will probably be something that will make the troubles in Ireland and England look pale in comparison.
      The American dream cannot and will not die.

  2. Sound ominous? Dear Kenny, I know High School probably wasn't your favorite, but do you recall anything from History class at all?
    They WILL come after Trump, his family, and anyone who supported him. Thats what ghe gulags are for. Pol Pot just shot everyone.
    This will not end without bloodshed, and lots of it, regardless of the outcome, or who succeeds ('win' just ain't the right word.)

    1. "Pol Pot just shot everyone."

      Nah, bullets are expensive. Hoes, clubs, axes, and knives are more "sustainable".

  3. "It was bad, unspeakably and unfathomably so"

    I was there. This is Reichstag-fire level bullshit. Crowd was non-threatening, and had a whole lot of guys that looked looked like you and me, working-class military veteran types.. Sober and serious. Not a party atmosphere at all, and most of us knew as soon as President Trump said "I hope Mike Pence does the right thing" that Trump had lost. I was pretty sure at that point that people would enter the capitol, and pounding on the doors and shouting at our fucktard Congress seemed like the right thing to do. I still think that way. Capitol police were mostly non-threatening, and didn't act like they sensed threat. As I see it, they opened the barriers for crowd safety. If you think our capitol is off-limits to citizens, and that we have a ruling class that should never be disturbed by peaceful assembly for the redress of grievances, your thinking might be post-American. False flag? No. Agents-provocateurs? No. Old-school American protest, like the Bonus March, and our political betters have and will respond about the same way they did then.

    Ashli Babbit. 14 year Air Force vet, was pretty representative of the crowd in the Capitol. God rest her soul, she deserves respectful memory. It was a DC Metro hero cop that shot her.

    Trump's gone, let's carry on.

    -Mike G.

  4. both sides of the aisle have hated Trump since 2015. Why? because he is not loyal to any party. I truly believe he wants what's best for the country. We the people haven't had that in a long time. If the elite are gonna cleanse or get rid of the ideology that the modern Patriots have today... which is the same ideology that gave birth to America and made her the greatest nation in the history; Yea it will not be as easy as they think. Somewhere, sometime, somehow, eventually... maybe in the next 4 yrs, they will cross the line that causes a whole lot more people than yesterday to fight back.

  5. "But what if I don't wanna be cleansed ? What if I think its the OTHER side who requires re-edjumication camps ? "

    1. Well, comrade, the pits are quite literally full of people who thought the way you do.
      - Communists everywhere


  6. Come 20 January evening I expect there will be a tall sheaf of bills on Biden's desk addressing "public safety." Most, if not all, will violate some of the Bill of Rights. The 1st, 2nd, 4th, and 5th to be sure.
    I do home the entire Trump family flies to a non-extradition country the 20th as they will, en mass, be indicted on treason, sedition, and any other charge they can dream up. Hell, they might even put down the real reason "NOT ONE OF US!"

    1. Actually, the Trumps should probably leave before he is officially out of office. I wouldn't put it past the opposition to cancel the Trumps' passports, and sieze any, and all, aircraft owned by the Trumps or their companies in order to prevent them from leaving the country in order to avoid the coming bogus criminal charges that are sure to happen.

  7. If they think yesterday was unspeakably and unfathomably bad what they are trying to initiate has the potential to make yesterday look like kindergarten recess.


  8. As C. S. Lewis put it, "The greatest crimes in human history were committed by men with clean fingernails and pleasant, well-modulated voices, sitting in tastefully appointed offices.".

  9. The down side here is that the new CONgress and Senate will retaliate for the "proles" breaching "their space" yesterday. In addition there'll be a bunch new job openings in the Secret Service and Capitol police because they're going to DEMAND better protection. I see a bill authorizing armored cars for every member of the House and Senate, in addition to security upgrades to their Washington and district homes, including bullet proof windows and ballistic steel wall coverings in they're residences which they will, of course, bill us for in the form of a YYYUUUGGGEEE tax increase.

    We were already fooooked when Biden had the election stolen for him. Now, with the White House, House and Senate in demonrat hands they're going to double and triple down.

    You think the eight years before Trump were bad? You ain't seen nothin' yet with all of the new laws and regulations that will be spewing no stop from D.C. in the next month, with an infinite number to follow.

    BTW, all those new laws and regulations? Kiss the Bill of Rights and most of the Constitution good bye.

    They took away the jury box and the ballot box. What's left?


  10. Ohhhhh.....
    The last 4yrs, will not be forgotten...
    Nor passed over.

    Tic tock

    This will not be forgotten

  11. I wonder which congresspersons was the fastest runner in the tunnels. I picture Shift and Swalwell climbing over people to get away, with Schumer knocking down cameramen to get the fuck out.

  12. I wonder which congresspersons was the fastest runner in the tunnels. I picture Shift and Swalwell climbing over people to get away, with Schumer knocking down cameramen to get the fuck out.

  13. I can't believe that people really got into Pelosis office, and didn't drop a dookie on the desk, and wipe clean with the curtains. I know I would have.


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