
Wednesday, January 20, 2021

Tucker Carlson Blasts Steve Cohen for Racist Comments About National Guard

Tucker Carlson blasted a member of the U.S. House from Tennessee Monday night for suggesting that most of the National Guardsmen deployed in Washington, D.C. for President-elect Joe Biden’s inauguration could be a threat because they are White and male. 

“Democrats in Congress demanded that the troops sent to Washington this week submit to a political purity test — ‘ideological vetting,’ as they put it — to make certain that every soldier professed loyalty to the new regime,” Carlson said. “Not loyalty to our country, not loyalty to our Constitution, but loyalty to the aims of a specific political party. Nothing like that has ever happened in America and just a few months ago, it would have been unimaginable. Suddenly it’s compulsory.”


  1. I suspect the FBI agents ceeded amobg the NG are acting as political officers.


  2. Cohen has proven himself to be one the problems in Washington and should be dealt with by the fake government that has stolen the freedom from the citizens of this country. I wonder if we are going to start exporting bananas since we have become a banana republic. Bet you money that Cohen has never served 1 day in the military. Most of the armed forces have more character than he will ever have.

    1. Steve Cohen is a steamin pile of shit on a good day. And as far as military time goes, he wouldn't make a pimple on a Private's ass.

  3. He represents Memphis -- so he's just pandering to his "same as Detroit" constituents THAT ARE waiting in line for their 'entitlements".

  4. From another blog, but it's spot on:
    I will remind you that military loyalty screening has happened early on in every totalitarian regime in history.
    The purges are next.

    And then it'll go out into the population, as has already been discussed on the left-hand side.

  5. At a minimum a soldier has had their background checked with a background investigation that is more intensive than the background check buying a gun. A"TS" clearance they interviewed friends and family.

    A Congressional background check is almost as intensive as a gun buying background check. We have had members of congress with questionable heritage and outright criminal histories.

  6. That is exactly what Chavez did in Venezuela. Now the armed forces are there to defend the party.

  7. The reason most of the guard is white and male is because most of the black males couldn't be bothered....yeah, I said it....


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