
Monday, January 25, 2021

Yay! Biden cured the Rona!

SACRAMENTO, Calif. — An announcement regarding stay-at-home orders for all regions across California is expected Monday, state officials said. 

"We see promising signs that California is slowly emerging from the most intense stage of this pandemic. We continue to look at what that means for the Regional Stay at Home order and will provide an update tomorrow," the California Department of Public Health sent in a statement.


Kinda funny how 2 weeks ago California was in its death throes with this manufactured crisis, but now that Biden's in office, everything's going to be just fine.


  1. Boy, what a relief this is. Two weeks ago, California's intensive care facilities were at 100% capacity and in danger of collapse.

    How did you perform this miracle, Governor Hairdoo?

  2. Not too difficult a prediction, but we will see this from every place where a Democratic dictator has unconstitutionally imprisoned citizens for almost a full year. Bow to the Biden.

    1. How about if I just drop a biden in the bowl

  3. The elite cabal of Globalists, Democrats and 90% of Republicans not only paid the Chinks to create, manufacture and distribute the Covid, they also kicked in billions for the antidote to be used after they stole the election and banished Trump.

    1. And don't forget the estate taxes we got from all those oldsters who died.
      - Your Friendly Government

  4. Biden's cured it? Who's gonna tell Aesop?

    1. Don't worry, he'll find another disease. Maybe there'll be a rabies outbreak or something.

    2. Alternately, given The Obama Dicta, "never underestimate Joe's ability to fuck things up", we are being bullshitted (again), and the "cure" or "emerging from the worst of the pandemic" is as accurate as "Ermagerd! Killing grandma!".

      Having said that, assuming that Aesop is accurately reporting his own personal observations, the fact could well be that, given a large enough population contracting a disease all at once (effectively), even a infinitesimal case fatality rate can/will overwhelm our razor thin excess capacity in hospital EDs, ICUs and Gen Med floors.

      Remember: there is hardly any real vacancy rate, even in "good" times, in hospitals. Personally, I remember spending hours playing "let's make a deal" as a charge nurse in a relatively big city ED a dozen years ago, and even as a nursing supervisor on the order of 20 years ago, trying to bed folks admitted from the ED.

      And, time has not made things better.

    3. Still, if the WuPing Cough was as bad as it is supposed to be, the most ravaged would be intravenous drug users, homeless and those with compromised immune systems from either transplants or from AIDS etc.

      Yet it mostly kills grandpa and grandma.

      Fuckers. Piss poor excuse of a pandemic.

    4. It's not only not a pandemic, it's not even an epidemic.
      It's not only not an epidemic, it's not even an outbreak.
      It's not only not an outbreak, it's not even a real disease.
      At Grandpa and Grandma's age, a normal cold or flu can kill.

  5. Dementia Joe and the Hoe are miracle workers, they cured covid in under a week!

  6. "Yay! President Usurper(Biden) cured the Rona!" Weeelllllll, maybe and maybe not. According to a report I read this AM, a new strain of the rona has emerged in CA that is specific to CA only. This strain hasn't been found anywhere else according to the researcher that reported it.


  7. Newsome was really starting to feel the heat! Throw the bastard out!

  8. Wait until the infected hordes from Central America start rolling in.

  9. If only nmore people had signed the recall petition earlier, Newsome would have opened up the state a long time ago.


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