
Tuesday, January 12, 2021

Yeah, fuck the regular citizens

Gov. Gavin Newsom forcefully pushed back Friday on criticisms that California is becoming unfriendly for business, pointing to “all the new billionaires” created by initial public offerings and noting that its richest people are “doing pretty damn well.” 


  1. Lets check with Elon Musk:

    1. All you need to know about Newslum is contained in the fact that he's Nancy Pelosi's nephew! Stupidity runs in the family.

  2. Well plenty of 'little people' could have good jobs picking up needles and cleaning shit and piss off the streets.
    Let the .com billionaires and the porn moguls continue to make their money.

  3. "Sir, the peasants are revolting. You can say that again, they stink on ice!" I'd bet that sumbitch even shorts the contractors that are remodeling his estate.

  4. Building up to a war of haves and those who eat cake

  5. Signed the recall, along with my two sons

    1. Almost sufficient reason to re-register in California...except I'm probably still on the list...

  6. Well, that stupid statement ought to be worth another 100,000 signatures on the recall petition.
    What an entitled idiot.

  7. "its richest people are “doing pretty damn well.”

    It appears that dear Governor Newsom has forgotten that when the ship goes down, it goes down for everyone. After all, Ben Guggenheim and I drowned amongst the finest luxuries with which the White Star Line could appoint the grand Titanic!
    - Zombie JJ Astor

  8. People who don't really need to hustle to earn their living anymore will willingly pay the extra to live there. I'm not talking about blue collar retired here.

    1. Funny. I can't imagine Governor Skinny Jeans ever getting dirt under his finger nails. And I'd bet the only time he's ever worked up a sweat was when he was boinking his best friend's wife.

  9. I wish this pig would contract pancreadic cancer, hos women gangbang his friends and drive the commie to goto the closet and help his state and the country.

    But...thats just a wish

  10. Oh, cut him some slack. That bill for dinner at the French Laundry ain't gonna pay itself you know.

  11. Asshole state.

    I have a cousin that got his high school girlfriend pregnant when they were both 17 as HS Seniors. They graduated and he joined the Marines. After basic he comes home and marries her with her mothers consent - she was still 17 and very pregnant. She gives birth at 17 and he is now at Pendleton. Her dad files a statutory rape case against him and files it with the Marines. He did 18 months at Leavenworth and was returned to California. He is now a sex offender with a federal felony record.

    His HS girlfriend/wife with a 2 year old moves in with him. He paints houses as he cannot get any job with benefits above minimum wage. He was IT in the Marines. Fast forward and they now have 3 kids where she is a telecom call center tech and he is still painting houses. The kids are in middle school and high school but he is still a sex offender 16 years later. As a sex offender he cannot leave the state or have internet at his home.

  12. The French aristocracy never saw it coming either.

  13. His wife made that 2015 'documentary' about toxic masculinity THE MASK YOU LIVE IN.

    Another of her favorite themes -- stereotypes about feminists.

    But back to the subject of 'masks' in 2020...


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