
Wednesday, February 24, 2021

All Peaceful Means

Will it be told that the patriots of old weathered all assaults upon their dignity, rights and lives? Will it be known that peace was their hope when they went into the field to fight? And, will it be known that the blood anew sown on the land of liberty and light, was for the cause of law over might and wrong undone by right? -- Unknown 

I included the piece at the top so as to illuminate that we have long been manipulated into a conflict that will serve to defame the reputation of the American patriot. The impetus to force us to act is from any number of nefarious actors. Some say China wants a weakened United States so that it will be easier to conquer. If China can get the people of the United States to wage war against each other, recognizing that the use of nuclear arms would be out of the question, they achieve the greatest Sun Tzu victory of not having to wage war at all, but to swoop in and commandeer the rubble left behind. Some say that internal communists are trying to manipulate the right into action, in order to secure a weaponless society that ensures that whoever survives will be subject to any and all draconian sanctions and even make white genocide feasible.


  1. Until we're finished wlth our traitors and then turn the weapons on the new Red Coats. Once it starts it will be to the death, congratulations to whomever that may be.

    T. L. writes great stuff and I believe he will be mostly right.

  2. bits and pieces of the Declaration of Independence authorizing us to get rid of our current Government, We are overdue
    ......When in the Course of human events, it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another....... —That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government......

  3. People keep saying violence is not the answer. It will be the ONLY solution

  4. We are way way past the "peaceful means" point.

  5. China is a would-be rival, a threat, and potentially an external enemy. Those can be dealt with by men of resolve and integrity.

    Foreign enemies are not our biggest problem. The real problem is domestic enemies, or rather enemies within the wire, especially as they control nearly all sources of propaganda (news, editorials, academics, popular culture) in the US. The saying goes, "The greatest trick the Devil pulled was convincing the world he does not exist."

    The real-world situation is similar: "The greatest trick the enemy pulled is convincing us that he is The Real Victim in everything."

    1. Chinese troops over the border from WA. state and a resident in the WH who kowtows to beijing.
      I'd call it more of an internal enemy.

  6. personally i think there are those among us posing as patriots with the purpose of discouraging us from acting. i don't think the left leaders want a fight, one they know they'll lose.

  7. Apparently not everyone calls that old 3M gasket adhesive "Gorilla Snot" either...


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