
Tuesday, February 09, 2021

American Universities Declare War on Military History

The world applauds the scientists who have created vaccines to deliver humanity from Covid-19. One certainty about our future: There will be no funding shortfall for medical research into pandemics. 

Now, notice a contradiction. War is also a curse, responsible for untold deaths. Humans should do everything possible to mitigate it. And even if scientists cannot promise a vaccine, the obvious place to start working against future conflicts is by researching the causes and courses of past ones.


  1. Silly Max Hastings (author of article). There is no need to study the causes of wars. We KNOW what what causes wars: racism, anti-Semitism, sexism, homophobia and transphobia, and of course Christian religious bigotry and intolerance. Duh.

  2. the cause of war is easy---money. the Rothschilds financed both sides in the War of Northern Aggression.

    1. So did other banks, and for the same reason -- governments approached them for loans. They didn't stuff money down their throats and thereby cause a war. War came and then loans were needed when it became obvious it wasn't a short war lasting a few weeks.

  3. Another step up the stairs of human stupidity... The fact that George Santayana, the guy who said "Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it" was a philosophy professor at Harvard adds to the irony...

  4. Most American Universities are not institution of higher learning, rather they are commie institutions of hate and indoctrination for stupid people who pay to be indoctrinated.

    1. And then the stupid people want to be forgiven of the debt they incurred to be indoctrinated.

  5. We have had this trend for the past decade now, starting already at highschool level with a drastically purged and politically correct curriculum for history and social sciences. The result is that we receive in the Officer Schools applicants with an appalling lack of historical knowledge in general; and zero when it comes to military history.
    Usually, similar trends used to migrate from the USA across the Atlantic to Germany and we would faithfully follow all cock-eyed ideas as long as they came from America.
    This time it's different. This time we are in the vanguard of lunacy and self-destructive behaviour.

  6. It's not just military's ALL history, especially history bowing white contributions to civilization.

  7. As usual Sir Max Hastings is well worth listening too. As I have either read most of his books or have them waiting to be read. (I highly recommend by the way his book on the Korean War)


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