
Monday, February 01, 2021

Commentary: How to Deprogram Us - VDH

A new buzzword on social media, cable news, and among leftist activists is “deprogramming.” 

Along with terms like “reprogramming,” “de-Baathification,” and “deplatforming,” deprogramming refers to cleansing the incorrect mentalities of former Trump Administration officials—and even those who voted for Trump. 

Note that deprogramming does not refer to elites who peddled the “Russian collusion” hoax for years, despite the abject absence of evidence.


  1. Do ya get it yet?
    Do you see what they have planned for half the country?
    They don't even try to hide it anymore, just talk about it out in the open like its not something from USSR circa 1985..

  2. Yea...I got a deprogramming method for leftists and it's 100% effective...

    1. Lead poisoning at 3200 fps sounds dee-lish!

  3. "Lead poisoning" is not therapeutic sounding.
    It's "intracranial injection of lead". THAT sounds all medicalese and helpful like.

    Of course with all the talk on "Russian collusion". They're obsessed with Russia, and still spitting mad about losing control of it, twice over. First with the fall of the Iron Curtain, then with the purge of the first wave of Oligarchs.

    And it's not so much 1985 USSR as it is somewhere between 1917 and 1923. They're still consolidating their hold on actual force as well as the open corruption of the legal system. The covert power has been steadily growing since the late 1800s, and the covert made increasingly overt after certain narratives were made sacred in the late 1940s. This has been a long, long time coming, and the frog is damn near well boiled.


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