
Friday, February 12, 2021

Gotta agree with RINO Billy on this one

NASHVILLE, Tenn. (WZTV) — While unveiling his $41.8 billion budget proposal for the upcoming fiscal year, Gov. Bill Lee said in his third State of the State address that if every state across the U.S. ran their election process like Tennessee, there would be "no delays and no scandal." 


When I vote here in Tennessee, I have to provide a State issued ID (driver's license, ID card or gun permit) and there's several poll watchers from both parties roaming around with no restrictions whatsoever. If you want to vote by mail, you have to fulfill the requirements and request an absentee ballot.
Those measures won't eliminate voter fraud but they'll damned sure cut down on it severely.


  1. Poll watchers from BOTH sides AND ID check?
    Tennessee is weird.

    1. Gordon (other Gordon)February 13, 2021 at 12:30 AM

      Poll watchers from both parties are pretty much SOP in any US election.

    2. They only hit the swing states with fraud, rule changes and mail in ballots.

  2. Gee, an ID is required? Sounds racist. Or so half the friggin country would think.

  3. Same sort of procedures here in Indiana.

    Of course "Same Day Registration" helps the Fraud.

  4. Same in Texas. They also make you turn off your cell phones and throw you out if you wear anything political e.g. hats, shirts, stickers, etc.

  5. Voting in Florida, I show my driver's license, which has by picture and address. The poll worker checks against a computer printout. Anybody who is against the system of voter ID is: too lazy to get a driver's license or state photo ID, or is a felon or otherwise prohibited, or intends on making noise but not to vote.

  6. I’m on the permanent “early voting list” (mail in) in my state.
    It was signed up for using the same state portal as my drivers license. It gets sent to my listed home address.
    I drop my signed ballot envelope off at the voting location on Election Day.

  7. and once they run your vote through the machine, they can make it be whatever they want...

  8. When you say gun permit, I hope you mean concealed carry. You don't have to have a permit to simply own one in TN now, do you?

    1. So, no permit required to own a gun, just one to bear one. Yeah FREEDOM.

  9. And our election commission is serious about fulfilling their duties. The tabulation process is checked and cross checked every way that they can. The machines are never connected to the internet. The machines that program the counting machines are never connected to the internet. Even though they are machines, I trust the vote in our county completely. We went 85.3% Trump.

    1. And those numbers actually surprised me. I figured with as few Biden signs I saw around town, we'd go closer to 95%.

  10. Here in NC several voting cycles ago the voter ID law was on the ballot. It passed overwhelmingly but was held up by some judge or something, I am not sure of the details. We can just say that the will of the people was not implemented thus we do not show ID at the polls.

  11. If voting really mattered it'd be illegal.

  12. I vote absentee in Montana. but to get the ballot I have to have provided them a photo ID when I signed up for it. Voting in person you have to have a photo id and sign next to your name. on the voter roles

  13. Same shit in Arizona look how that turned out


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