
Wednesday, February 10, 2021

¿Hablas español?

 Thousands of migrants are still trying to enter the U.S. in hope for a path to U.S. citizenship promised by Joe Biden. One America’s John Hines has more on Biden’s changes to President Trump’s border policies.

VIDEO (4:17 minutes)


  1. Open the borders, but keep US citizens and students locked down. So...the plandemic isn't real then.

    1. The "pandemic" is irrelevant. It's about making new "citizens" and letting them vote, adding states, lowering the voting age, etc. Who benefits from these actions?

      If you haven't noticed, the destruction of the good ol' U.S. of A. Is first and foremost on the list of priorities. "C'mon, man!" - says Usurper II.

  2. I like to post obvious observations in the hope sheep wander in.


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