
Friday, February 19, 2021

Home Sweet Home

EL DORADO COUNTY (CBS13) – Authorities say they recently removed a homeless person who had been living in an abandoned mineshaft in the Placerville area. 

The El Dorado County Sheriff’s Office says they received a report back in December that there was a homeless person living in a mine shaft in the Placerville area. They also received a report from someone who says they smelled smoke and saw some people, who appeared to be homeless, coming out of the mine, according to a sheriff’s office statement.


  1. Sounds like the guy had a home. Maybe not the nicest one imaginable, but a place to live, nonetheless.

  2. I hope he has Obamacare cause he'll need it. Living in a damp place like that and you'll wind up with pneumonia or arthritis.

  3. Hey dammit, that asshole that said a lot of women walk that trail was an extremely sexist comment and he should be canceled.

  4. They just can't help themselves, can they? The Karens, I mean. Leave them the hell alone. Don't want to hear about that "quality of life" crap, either, especially from Cal.

  5. How dare he live somewhere like that? Kick him out on street to live in a tent city in squalor and exposed to disease like the rest of the homeless!

    Of course it is all for his own good, because that mineshaft that is at least 100 years old might come crashing down at any moment.

    1. And it just might. They cave in all the time after the supporting timbers rot. It may take a while, but with the moisture down in those shafts, they will eventually rot.

  6. Leave him alone. Old timey, You don't bother me, I don't bother you.

  7. "Some people smelled smoke." "There's a danger of wildfires."

    The guy's been living there for over a year, I'm pretty sure he knows WTF he's doing when it comes to fires. Go back to sleep Karen.


    1. The one thing that nobody here isn't picking up on is the fact that there are some seriously flammable gases in some of those shafts, so yeah, there is a severe fire danger there.

  8. Certainly not more dangerous than any other homeless situation we have in this state.

    And I don't know if it's still true, but it was true as of a few years ago that single men were not allowed into shelters because they were too hard to control. Better chance of living through a winter in the Placerville area in a mine shaft than out in the elements.

    Goddammit! I know a lot of homeless people are homeless because they are just flat out too far gone on drugs to keep a roof over their heads, and WON'T change, but also very, very many of them are homeless because they just got ground up in the cogs of the Machine So Odious.

    Pinheads running this state WILL NEVER cave in to the imperative for enough low and no income housing as long as they won't give huge tax breaks to developers who will build them. THAT is what originally put The Donald on the Democrats' shit list. He made it public that Democrats removing tax incentives is why builders had to stop putting up places for poor people to live.

    Even though, yes, we are loaded down with pinhead voters who fall for their schtick, I think half of them are not so pinheaded as to vote for them anymore. We think we're so smart with our paper ballots and forget that machines connected to the internet are counting them.

    We're not EVEN providing the homeless with good camping gear. Our money keeps going to planners who get paid millions to come up with stuff the state won't pay to build, but only pay millions to the people who keep grinding out their loopy plans. Too much shit [literally] everywhere to grind that machine to a halt.

    1. Just one note. Housing cost are highly influenced by government policies.
      High tax and fee locals have high costs of living. It is like watching food prices go up after gas prices rise.
      Every effort of the government to reduce the problem just makes it worse. Raise taxes to fund low income construction, you put more people on the street than you rescue with the high costs of MOAR taxes. Try using the zoning and permit system and developers just build luxury housing to make up for the lost profits on section 8 housing. And again more marginal people are put on the street than were saved.

      If moar government is the problem, the solution must involve super extra MOAR government.

    2. re:
      camp-gear hand-outs

      We operate a small organic teaching farm near the outskirts of Eugene Oregon.

      Until unelected governess Kate 'Moonbeam' Brown scribbled a dictate using 'chuckles-19 the virus' as her rationale to prohibit gatherings, the feral goofballs got surplus government-issue military gear for free at the Eugene fairgrounds.

      I discovered this after running the tractor brush-hog through their infestations.
      The goofballs didn't care... "We'll just go get some more!"


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