
Thursday, February 04, 2021

Long Beach Ralphs, Food 4 Less stores to close over $4 ‘hero pay’ boost for grocery workers

Kroger, the parent company of Ralphs and Food 4 Less, will soon shut down two of its stores in Long Beach in response to the city imposing a “hero pay” increase of $4 per hour for some grocery store workers. 


  1. Ahhhhahahahhahahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahhahahahahahhaahahhahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahaahhahahahhahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahhahahahahahhahaa...



  2. What aree they going to do when biden* raises the minimum wage to $15?

    1. The out of work numbers will go thru the roof exactly the same way. I feel for the youngun's who generally occupy those starter jobs willing to work for experience. Can't wait to see that generation in the future, wait a minute yes i can wait but the damage will be done.

  3. Awesome, awesome.
    Great news, great news.
    More unemployed, more unemployed.
    The Democrats' plan is working!
    Voters get what they voted for.
    Awesome, awesome.

    1. Then again they can be repurposed as mag loaders and gofers.

  4. The policies of tax and spend liberals will drive this country in the ground, one business at a time.

  5. But, but, but, the city council's intentions were good. That's what matters, right? Unintended consequences are for the little people anyway.

  6. Notice that the union position is that we need more for doing less. If the union really cared about their members they would be demanding that all business be allowed to reopen as the owners see fit and government butt out.

  7. Amazing how ignorant people are of basic economics. Of course the government isn't helping with the magic checks they keep producing to hand out without ever mentioning how they're going to pay for it in the long run...

    1. They aren't "paying for it'. They just tell the Fed to add more zero's onto the end of the already 280 trillion in unfunded liabilities that we owe them. "They" have no intention of ever "paying for it". At some point in the not too distant future, someone, probably China, is going to call home all of the bonds, in U.S. Gov debt, that they've been accumulating. Then we'll be in default, cause there ain't enough credit on the planet to pay that debt off. We're being Weimared and no one is paying attention.


  8. Rush has stated many a time, “when liberals enact something the EXACT OPPOSITE of what they stated is normally the outcome”. So here the liberals want to help employees by forcing the company to pay them more, with out looking at the companies bottom line, if it is even possible. When the doors close the town will blame it on TRUMP.

  9. Completely expected and what input from owners to city council on this idea? Likely none at all. What will happen is food-deserts in low income cities (already done) when corporate big wigs figure out they are not in business to lose money so they simply shutter the store. Then politicians will scream bloody murder while holding the murder weapon in their hand.

  10. The lessons of central planning failures are obviously lost ..... Like the Soviet system worked so well. :-(

  11. If the city thinks that mandate is such a good idea, they should fund it and not put the burden on the employer.

    Its obvious those politicians don't know the first thing about business.

    1. 'mandate'?

      That was a dictate from dictators.

  12. Make the city council members dig into their own pocket for the extra 4 bucks an hour.

  13. If the city of Long Beach want's to pay these so-called "hero" workers the extra $4 an hour, I say go for it. But issuing an edict to the stores that THEY must pay an extra $4 an hour is absolute bullshit, and I'm happy to see Kroger telling them to go fuck off!

    1. Economics 101:

      The business owners don't pay employees.
      The business customers pay the employees.

      The business customers pay:
      * employee payroll and taxes
      * utilities and taxes
      * taxes and taxes disguised with names such as 'fees' and 'licenses'.
      * upkeep/maintenance and taxes
      * payments on loans... and taxes.

      Any increase in pay is passed onto the customers.
      I suspect the business owners realized their customers would hesitate to pay increased prices for necessary staples such as groceries.
      Accordingly, another several hundred people join the unemployed.

  14. Gonna be pretty fucking crowded in the learning to code classrooms.

  15. Didn't Robert Heinlein say something about "bad luck"?

    1. “Throughout history, poverty is the normal condition of man. Advances which permit this norm to be exceeded — here and there, now and then — are the work of an extremely small minority, frequently despised, often condemned, and almost always opposed by all right-thinking people. Whenever this tiny minority is kept from creating, or (as sometimes happens) is driven out of a society, the people then slip back into abject poverty.

      This is known as "bad luck.” - R.A. Heinlein

  16. HERO. That word doesn't mean what the left thinks it means. My daughter has worked at Kroger since this whole pandemic started. In the click list area. She's 20 years old which means she's basically immune to the effects of the rona. Most of her fellow employees are the same age. Kroger has treated them well, but the topic of "hero" pay has never come up. If people think that grocery clerks, ambulance drivers, truckers and I'll even say medical personnel qualify as heroes for doing their jobs, well Houston, we have a problem.

  17. Funny how generous they can be with other people money.

  18. HEB food stores in Texas voluntarily gave their employees a $2 an hour raise at the start of the scamdemic

  19. The minimum wage is always ZERO !!!

  20. Just curious, did Long Beach raise the pay of their front line workers to give them "hero" pay? I'm not finding any evidence they did.

  21. Notice how the city did not offer to reduce sales tax on groceries, employment taxes on wages paid, property taxes for the Heroes? Meeting the other side halfway on difficult issues can sometimes lead to useful solutions.


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