
Friday, February 26, 2021

Oh, puh-leeze.....

WASHINGTON — U.S. Capitol Police plan to maintain their enhanced level of security around the Capitol at least through President Joe Biden's first official address to Congress because intelligence suggests that extremists could be planning an attack, acting Chief Yogananda Pittman said Thursday. 

"We know that members of the militia groups that were present on January 6th have stated their desires that they want to blow up the Capitol and kill as many members as possible with a direct nexus to the State of the Union, which we know that date has not been identified," she told members of Congress, referring to Biden's coming first address to a joint session of Congress. 

"So based on that information, we think that it's prudent that Capitol Police maintain its enhanced and robust security posture until we address those vulnerabilities going forward," she said.


  1. Yea, nothing says free and fair election win like a military occupation.

  2. After seeing a first name of "Yogananda" I didn't need to read any more of the story. Shit like this would be hilarious if it was a Saturday morning animated cartoon and not actually happening.

  3. An indication of bad intelligence analysis is when somebody finds what he was looking for. An incompetent analyst operates with a closed mind, looking for indicators of only one action. Those "militia groups" identified (??) by federal intelligence must intend to storm the Capitol during the president's speech, because that is what the analysts would do. Forming an armed group, infiltrating the Capitol area, reforming into storm parties and assaulting the Capitol is a ridiculous idea. Upper levels of the politically appointed Capitol police know what their bosses are looking for and are ready to offer proof. Ticket-punching MI briefers know "What the general wants to hear is..."

  4. PARANOID MORONIC IDIOTS on msm, white hut and in general. they deserve all they get!....IMO!

  5. I’m sorry, where’s the evidence and why publicly announce that intel? Smoke and mirrors.

    1. If spectral evidence was good enough for Salem, it's good enough for D.C.

  6. PMSL if NOBODY turns up!

  7. Nothing but CCP traitors at work.
    Those are our buildings, we don’t want them burned down you dumb cunt. We want your communist friends swinging on the lamppost right next to you!

    1. Pelosi's paranoia Strikes again. Lets see how long it will take before her head explodes (ad No not from a bullet). She eventually will get so paranoid she will start blurting out the Demonrats real Aims.

  8. If you wanted to kill members of Congress wouldn't it be better to catch them at home or traveling? I do not endorse such behavior of course.

  9. We've been on the cusp of crazy for years. By golly I think they finally crested the peak and are surfing on down the face of that wave of insanity, proclaiming danger and having their only rational response to it,, all based on some delusion.

    1. Peak crazy is like peak stupidity - it's only a theoretical limit; it can never actually be achieved.

  10. Dear Lord in heaven, I pray to you for your kindness and wisdom, and a giant fireball meteor directly striking the capital with the force of several thousand kilotons. We beseach your wisdom, and judge not the martyrs. Amen.

  11. So ... all those evil, right wing, knuckledragging, redneck militia with 600 million guns and billions of rounds of ammunition between them didn't bring them on the 6th January because ... reasons ... but are going to bring them this time?

    Seems legit to me.

    Phil B

  12. And the President's Address was supposed to be on the 23rd of February and it was scheduled across several networks but...

    Where's the PA, eh, Biden? Why didn't you show up for your own fucking first Address to the Nation, ya dementia suffering man-whore?

    1. I can't imagine they'll let him actually give one; waaaaay to much risk of him going full Tug Benson from Hot Shots.

  13. It is always to pay attention to spelling. They used the term intelligence. Missing is the word intelligent. There is definitely a reason for that. The people putting this pile of horse shit are simply not intelligent. And not to be trusted.
    I certainly do not advocate any attack on anyone, be they political or civilian. But there are ways to do such things that can be done from several hundred meters away, with little to no exposure to the person or persons behind the plot. With the huge number of countries that have become unstable over the past 2 decades, due to the continual war on terror, it could be theoretical that some motivated person or persons could obtain LAW missiles, or Javelin missiles, or more simply, several RPG's, from a group that is not happy with the United States. If drugs by the ton are smuggled into America, there is certainly the ability to smuggle in a couple of munitions. If a group is motivated enough that they don't care if they live or die, there is likely no way to stop an attack on any target, no matter how hardened you attempt to make it. That huge fence with barbed wire surrounding the capitol? An F-350 with a load of concrete blocks for added weight likely would not even slow down for that. Add someone with security experience to your team, and you can defeat a lot of the other primary defensive measures.
    Not saying that any of this would be easy, or that I either support or desire such a thing, no matter who was president. I have said before, when Obama was president, that I would take a bullet for him. Not because I liked him, or even cared if he as a person lived or died. But the office of the president is so important that it is more important than the life of one person, and the nation depended on continuity. It is even more important now, that Biden lives a long and healthy life, due to his VP.
    The way to defeat the socialist agenda is to hold the light of day to everything to it, and to inform everyone you can as to what will happen if it is allowed to continue unchecked.

    1. "The way to defeat the socialist agenda is to hold the light of day to everything to it, and to inform everyone you can as to what will happen if it is allowed to continue unchecked."

      At best that's a very temporary check.

    2. Are all of you fuckers blind? Have you seen the "Biden" playing to be "President"? His face is 100% different from the "Biden" we saw two years ago. Or pick a date. The real Joe Biden had a heart-shaped face, this clone has a face that is square, or actually rectangular. Joe Biden is worm dirt. The guy pretending to be "Joe Biden" is a body double or a clone. Has any of you seen or heard about all 50 States confirming the so-called "election" last November? NO, it did not happen. The "Government" we are watching right now is all smoke and mirrors. IT IS ALL BULL SHIT. Right now we do not have any government. This country is being run by a Patriot Military. If all of the commie MSM was hanging from highway overpasses, all this shit about the "Biden President" BS would stop. Biden does not exist. The government does not exist. Can't you people figure that out? Quit watching MSM commies you morons. Start questioning everything around you, is that too much work? How long has it been since you have seen a C-Span video of a full House of Congress that is current? Over half of Congress have been arrested for treason. Some have been replace by body doubles, can you figure out who? Have you compared Pelosi photos of today with photos of the real Pelosi last October? Probably not because you believe everything on CNN as truth.

    3. Fuck. Here you go again.
      So basically you're saying that Biden is dead and his body double is signing the exact same Executive Orders and doing the same things the real Joe Biden would be doing. What exactly would be the purpose in that, pray tell? I mean, I knew our government was inept but I didn't think it was that fucking inept.

  14. She is probably not wrong you know. Their are all kinds of idiots out there. Kenny features a lot of them. Maybe the two teachers from bama will try something.

  15. "... they want to blow up the Capitol, and kill as many Members as possible ..." And they're saying like that's a bad thing.


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