
Thursday, February 11, 2021

One leaves this world, another comes in

A 26-year-old Michigan man was killed in an explosion that occurred during a baby shower, according to Gaines Township authorities. 

A small cannon device that was fired in the backyard of a home by the homeowner blew up, spraying metal shrapnel that struck an unidentified Hartland man who was standing nearby. The man was taken in serious condition to Hurley Medical Center in Flint, where he later died.


  1. Okay. For anybody who has never used anything more powerful than a firecracker: Stuff go BOOM! Dangerous. Can hurt. You face law suit.

  2. The 4th of July at my uncles house was always a combat zone with fireworks, my brother and my cousins were lighting off a cannon and of course drinking heavily right along with each big bang. The cannon finally blew up and my brother had to pay the repairs on all the damage to the surrounding houses, garages, cars, which was a lot of money. (they even blew up my mom's Yukon, man, was she pissed). He whined for years because the cousins all weaseled out of helping on the bills, I was off on a Salmon River rafting trip so I missed out having to pay big dough. After that they closed off that neighborhood for the 4th of July. 20 years later and it is still closed for the 4th. Little Beirut! My brother's whining still brings a smile to my face.


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