
Friday, February 12, 2021

Senator Marco Rubio Introduces Bill to Suspend Gun Rights of Anyone Who Has Ever Been "Investigated" for Domestic Terrorism

Republican lawmaker Marco Rubio has reintroduced legislation that seeks to suspend the Second Amendment rights of any person who has been investigated for “terrorism” related offenses within 10 years of attempting a gun purchase. 

The Senate bill, named the Terror Intelligence Improvement Act, was reentered last week in hopes of exploiting the hysteria surrounding the January 6th Capitol protests. The law intends to violate the civil liberties of American citizens who are not charged or convicted of a crime if somebody is deemed politically dangerous.


  1. This is a republican, who either hasn't read, or is unable to read, our constitution.

  2. I believe that the Constitution will be in "yeah, right, buddy" status from this point on.

  3. Replies
    1. Yep. Trump had him pegged right away for the run up to 2016s election.

  4. This asshole is on our side? NRA A+ rated.

  5. Shit is getting more and more like the minority report.

  6. Gordon (other Gordon)February 12, 2021 at 6:35 PM

    Wait, what? A Republican who wants to infringe on the 2nd amendment? I thought they didn't do that.

  7. "The law intends to violate the civil liberties of American citizens who are not charged or convicted of a crime if somebody is deemed politically dangerous."

    Deemed by who? Who exactly is it that is completely comfortable violating the civil liberties of American citizens, Senator Rubio?
    The only conclusion I can come to is that it's YOU who is completely comfortable violating the civil liberties of American citizens, Senator Rubio.

    Good luck in your run for the presidency in 2024, Senator Rubio.

    1. Little Marco is just trying to polish his resume to appeal to leftists for his next Presidential run and trying to force his way in to leadership of the party, as, now that President Trump is out, he thinks that leader is him. He apparently doesn't realize the fire he's playing with. Not a good quality in a "leader".


    2. May not need it. They may install him just like bidet to stave off the revolution a little while longer.

  8. Seems as if they want to create new 'terrorists'. Was it me, I'd be careful what I ask for. There's a lot of experience walking softly at the moment.

    1. Amen and Amen. He and all the other SOBs in office are not going to believe what they are creating with their greed. Going to make the Jan 6th seem like a 4th of July picnic. Bring it on. Just makes me more and distant from the feds. Screw 'em.

  9. Wake up. There is no "our side" in politics. They are ALL crooks intent on lining their own pockets with whatever they can, however they can, and pandering to the gun control hysteria is one easy way to get rich. Any number of "donors" will stop paying the vig to our fraudulently elected criminals if they don't show they're "doing SOMETHING" to curb the "out of control gun violence." They all need to go.

  10. Good idea. Get this before the SCOTUS before Buyden adds his 100 new judges.

  11. Little Marco sure seems dizzy these days.

    1. And the horse he rode in on. Much like Nancy Pelosi, Marco is a petulant, craven coward who is just begging to be voted out of office.

      This fucker is besties with Nikki Haley, another globalist who can royally fuck right off.

    2. Eloquently stated, Bobo.

  12. In the words of his own governor, Go Fuck Yourself.

  13. Deeming and taking are different things. The more they seem, ban, tax the more the take becomes oh I don't know but maybe harder. They kick us all off facebook and twitter so how are they going to know. I mean besides the date that the NSA has, but other than that nothing currently or after the boot from the on-line sights.

  14. "Innocent until PROVEN guilty.."

    I guess that just went out the window.

  15. I know people who were upstanding citizens and put on the No Fly list because they had the same name as a terrorist. Everytime we flew together, he had to spend 15 minutes with TSA explaining who he was and proving he wasn't the guy they were looking for.

  16. You must understand, there is no such thing as a Democrat or Republican now. Trump's first two years, both houses of congress were controlled by the "Republicans". Did Trump get to advance any firearms agenda that he promised? How about that Obamacare that the Republican congress persons has sent a bill to former president Obama around every 6 months or so? Did they send the same bill to President Trump?
    What about when Trump first was elected president. Did anyone in the Republican parts sit down with Trump, somebody that knew the ropes, sort of speak, and try and help him set up a cabinet that would be both politically acceptable and also helpful to Trump? Not a single gutless Republican. They were against him from day one.
    In fact, like him or not, Mitch McConnel was probably the one person of both chambers that not only was always there to help Trump, but he often ran interference for him. People who were not considered RINO's, showed that they were more concerned with their own careers than with the good of the nation. They often stood in the way of Donald Trump. Remember that little weasel Paul Ryan? And how he helped kill a hell of a lot of the things that Trump wanted. A big promise that Trump ran on was concealed carry reciprocity. And there was a bill, ready to go. But Paul Ryan, that POS, said that they couldn't do it at that time, because they needed to accomplish something more important, and they couldn't take the chance at being distracted by a gun bill.
    I was born in 1960, and cannot really remember JFK, except via tapes and documentaries. But seeing the kind of man he was, and seeing the Democrat party now, there is no way that JFK would ever be welcomed into that party. He would have a hard time getting into the Republican tent as well, because even though he was a confirmed womanizer, he kept it on the quiet. But he had the morals that most of the Republicans of today simply both don't have and don't care if they have morals or not.
    There is no real difference between the two parties. I am going to have a tough time bothering to vote in 4 years. There is no real person jumping out that seems to have the right stuff to take this nation back closer to a republic, founded on solid, righteous principles. I have watched Tulsi Gabbard for 5 years now. The more I see of her, the more I am impressed with her. She is a Democrat, yes, but she is not the type of Democrat that we are used to seeing. She doesn't seem to suffer fools very well. If only her policy on guns would change. She was a pilot in the U.S. military, which to me means a lot. It tells me that she is able to take orders, and to learn complex things, often juggling more than one thing at a time.
    We see people like Marco Rubio jumping ship and leaning towards the left, along with several other Republicans. It is an apt illustration of just what Trump really accomplished in office. He came to drain the swamp, but the swamp was to deep. So we had to settle for second best. He showed up the denizens of the swamp, and that it was not just Democrats, but many Republicans too, in fact, a very large number of them were dwellers of the same swamp that the Democrats were quite comfortable in. If that was the only that he ever accomplished, it would have been enough. But he also installed what is probably a record number of judges on the federal bench. The left was pissed, and so now we see just how vindictive they can be, to impeach someone who no longer even holds the office anymore. What a show. And what a waste of time, that could be spent doing other things that need to be done. So it is back to government as usual.

    1. Kind of makes you wonder what the landscape will look like with a third party. Not just another party but one with 75 million backers.

  17. This has that nasty vibe we heard in all of the post 9/11 Middle East terrorist narrative movies where the obviously not terrorist gets “convinced” to cooperate, with alphabets to wear a wire etc. on the threat of a “You’re a terrorist if I say your a terrorist, and you’ll go to Guantanamo indefinitely without a trial, if you don’t.” This and red flags are such a reach around and have the potential to be terribly abused.

  18. Read the wording, you don't have to be convicted, just investigated. All the govt has to do is attach your name falsely to any ongoing investigation and you are f#cked. That f#cking Rubio is beyond stupid, we just went through a 4 year investigation that proved the FBI investigators were crooked and it turned out to be complete bullsh#t. This is a gigantic gift to democrats from a Rino asshole.

  19. The USA INC ran out of Charter in 2019, late in the year. The Constitution has not been the law that ruled the USA INC since 1871. Maritime Law was our ruling body. When the commie dems stole the election they are now in power of nothing, and they know it, but with the lying MSM they are trying to you people who freak out if you hear the word Covid, that they are in control.

    The American military is in control. There will, be a new election coming up soon. Most of the elected Congress was arrested and if anyone replaced them they are Deep State body doubles like Biden, Harris, Pelosi and many more.

    Let them pass all the "Laws" they want with people who don't count for anything. It is all a sham today.

  20. Oh, and marco better watch his behind, I think Ivanka has her eyes on his seat. A flaming jew liberal to replace a RINO. That should be interesting

  21. Sounds like something a democrat would do. He needs his ass kicked.

  22. Instant national gun ban
    Just run names on paper, initiate the investigation
    Poof, motherfukker, turn em all in.
    Except NO


  23. The very definition of "..shall not be infringed". Well said, rickn8or!

  24. My question is: "Will the country survive the onslaught?" We're about to be flooded by the world through our borders as the meat puppet signs bill after bill along with executive action. Now I read that he is about to curtail travel for American citizens as he welcomes non vetted non Covid tested illegal aliens onto American soil. And that's just for starters...How's your security blanket of guns and thousands of rounds doing for you?! You already knew that the crime syndicate in D.C. will find creative ways to force the people to give up their second amendment rights. We can kiss the Bill of Rights adios too. So, bend over like an old toot on a Saturday night. Grab your ankles and don't forget to use the old love lube profusely on your democrat bunghole as you sing with a full voice, "The Battle Hymn of the Republic!" Get used to it because the country you never thought would fall to communism has done just that!

  25. Rubio, you trying to make yourself dead to 75% of the Republican voters?

  26. And everyone of you think we can vote our ass out of this . For fuck sake people.


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