
Wednesday, February 17, 2021

Still waiting for those ammo prices to come down?

The claim: H.R. 5717 would implement a 30% tax on all gun sales and 50% tax on all ammunition sales Rep. Hank Johnson, D-Ga., introduced in January H.R. 5717, a bill that would strengthen measures to prevent gun violence. It has evoked mixed reactions from the public and moved to the forefront of conversation surrounding legislation not related to the coronavirus pandemic.
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  1. Its coming.

    May you live in exciting times.

  2. HR 5717 died with the 116th Congress. This time it's HR 127 we need to worry about.

  3. That fucking gorilla better build lots of hospitals and loads of prisons before this bill gets passed.

  4. Johnson is the asshole who said if we docked another Navy Ship at a certain Island.....the Island would tip over.

    Between him and Jackson Lee, they wouldn't make a blip on a IQ test.

    Two certified asshole, morons.

    De Oppresso Liber

    1. Yes, he asked if Guam might capsize because of all of the military equipment and personnel being staged there.

      He is a man who truly represents the intellectual level of the people in his district.

    2. Yes, he asked if Guam might capsize because of all of the military equipment and personnel being staged there.

      He is a man who truly represents the intellectual level of the people in his district.

  5. Socialism hasn't worked because "they" weren't doing it right.
    If "we" pass just one more "violence prevention" bill, "we" will decrease the number of people killed by guns.

  6. How is this NOT an infringement.

    1. Because everyone knows that we'll say it isn't.
      - The Courts

    2. Taxes are not considered an infringement per se. Hell, the personal income tax on a person's labor is illegal AF but that has never stopped CONgress.

      I've been saying for as long as I've understood the gun control discussion =

      They can't take them, but they can tax the hell out of them. Expect a $1 per bullet tax...

      I know dems are not the brightest bunch but sure has taken them a long time to get here.

      Exactly why I call my ammo supply my redneck 401k.

  7. Hank Johnson is the one who thought Guam was going to tip over, right?

    So nice to have our lives run by our intellectual betters.

    1. And he'll be reelected with over 60% of the votes in his district until he's too old to wipe his own ass.
      Just like Maxine Waters.

  8. Because guns get taxed when they're stolen too? WTF?

    1. Gosh. This seems so unfair to inner city yutes who can't afford to buy ammo now, let alone without the added burden of a 50% tax. How they gonna get to work?

  9. 80 - 90% of all the shootings are committed by folks that look just like Johnson. You don't need gun control, you need criminal control. But the Congressional Black Caucus can't figure that out.

  10. I’m calling it now, in the very soon future, particular people in the “ruling class” are going to get whacked by some very pissed of people. Those people are playing with fire and they don’t understand the consequences of their actions because they are too stupid.

  11. HR 127 will make a database of owner, make, model, serial number and it will be held by the Attorney General. Who has access you ask?

    “(B) ACCESS.—The Attorney General shall make the contents of the database accessible to all members of the public, all Federal, State, and local law enforcement authorities, all branches of the United States Armed Forces, and all State and local governments, as defined by the Bureau.

    All members of the public. I have to hand it to them, they plan and implement plans much better than we do.

    1. But before they will do any of they have to get paid. They have no more money. They can't access the Treasury. And the irs is under the Treasury. Trump has all the wealth of America tied up. The bogus "Biden" government is just that Bogus. It can pass all the laws it wants and nothing will matter. Even "Biden" is a phony clone.

  12. I'm going to melt the barrels right before I give them to them.


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