
Sunday, February 21, 2021

Sunday Video 5



  1. Ready! Uh I don't know about this . You're going anyways.

  2. What? No 4 wire fence at the bottom, or George Bailey creek, to add to the excitement? When I was about 7 the folks catched me from trying to go down a much steeper hill with trees at the bottom, standing up on a toboggan. As teenagers being towed behind the tractor, not letting go when you fell off "How come my arms are all bruised?" Frozen molehills.
    Alcohol was involved.

  3. I needed a truly funny snow video to wash my eyes out after watching the snow shoveling shooting vid.

  4. Looks like some shit we’d have done to Tucker, James and TooBig!

  5. I spent 15 working at a hospital in a ski/snow sports resort town. The NUMBER ONE CAUSE of
    spinal compression fractures EVERY WINTER was sledding/tubing. NOT a safe way to play.


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