
Friday, February 12, 2021

The Grand Illusion


The federal government is illegitimate. I can unwind that all you want, but it’s a fact. It’s a fact to such an extent that they have put up a twelve-foot-high fence around the capitol with razor wire crowning the structure. They’ve posted twenty-thousand troops near at hand in case too many of us figure it out. They are afraid of us and they should be. If I had defied the will of the people and installed a mentally deficient old man instead of the people’s choice, I’d be worried about the anger of the American people, too. 

This country is coasting on an illusion. There is no federal government, or state governments at this stage, except for the original thirteen, who were not created by the Constitution. The states might maintain their borders and government to the degree that the people of that state agree to play nice. All federal laws, however, are moot. Most state laws that were required to replicate the federal laws likewise are moot, except to the extent that those state governments agree to maintain them.


  1. Excellent article. The globalists opened this micro-secession can of worms with sanctuary cities. And then rural Virginia took it up a notch with the 2A sanctuary counties and militias.

    The collapse of the globalist empire is appearing inevitable even to the Constitutionalist intellectuals. Very nice. Now if libertarians could decide there is a profit motive in it, then it would almost be a done deal. Maybe they will decide someday that their people are actually worth something just because they exist and that their children should have a future.

  2. Dangerous times. Times that try men's souls.

  3. their worried about us taking over the Capital. what we should be doing is taking over the states capitals first. save the golden egg for last.

  4. Gordon (other Gordon)February 12, 2021 at 6:50 PM

    Correction: The constitution did not create the states. It created a procedure by which states could be added to the Union. Those procedures were followed by an, at the time, legitimate government. That can't be taken away if the government then looses its legitimacy. Therefore the states remain.

  5. Most states followed the procedures. Lincoln needed Nevada's silver. It wasn't until the 1980s (?) that they had enough people to become a state.

  6. The height of the idiocy: when AOC spouts off about Democracy.

  7. States remain. Constitution was created to make a break from royal decree. The tories have put who they want as president hoping they can turn him into a king.

    Keep your powder dry. No one is bring a case for the people so we will have to press our case using our last box.

  8. Vimeo already shut down the trailer to their video. That was fast.

  9. So, who are the government agencies working for? Anyone with a few neurons still functioning knows that the FBI, CIA and various agencies had to have known for decades the width and depth of the corruption that the Clintons represented. Add to this the Obamas, Comey, Brennan, Clapper, Anthony Weiner and various traitors in D.C. including Congressmen and Congresswomen. We, as the American people lost control to these criminals years ago because the American people had become disconnected. No longer connected as civil responsibilities became alien to an entertainment saturated society who was being reeducated throughout the land in government schools that had been taken over by Marxists. With advancements in technology, Americans can be singled out for cancellation not only by government agencies but by a corrupt banking system, social platform and thousands of laws passed in the dead of night by feckless elected so called representatives. Some stupid crats are already toying with the idea os using $67 million dollar military drones to target American citizens who might be talking about civil war or insurrection against this Marxists and Globalists takeover. America is now well on its way into darkness...


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