
Friday, February 12, 2021

The purge continues

SOLANO COUNTY (CBS13) — A Solano County Sheriff’s Sergeant, who’s also the brother of actor Chris Pratt, is accused of showing support for a right-wing extremist group.


  1. Jesus Christ....these fuckin faggots still wanna suck on the Queens tit.

  2. Support the 2A and the Constitution is why they are after him. Way to go, you and your brothers in blue keep up the good fight.

  3. Good for the Sheriff Thomas Ferrara defending his troops.

  4. Chris Pratt has made subtle comments suggesting to me he leans pretty far right (especially for Hollywood) which makes me happy. I hope this situation bites the cocksuckers that filed this complaint in the ass and hope it doesn't direct any more attention to Pratt as a conservative in a super liberal Hollyweird. Keeping folks like him, Eastwood, Selleck and Woods present in the cesspool of that industry can only help to keep the fire stirred.

    1. Kurt Russell.
      Kyle McLaughlin.
      Michael Parks.
      David Lynch.
      Louis L'Amore.
      Tom Clancy.

      And most legitimate immigrants.

  5. Why isn't anyone being canned for being a member of antifa or blm, both of whose members were documented to have been at the capitol on Jan 6?

    1. Because communists work for the betterment of all, their actions are always beyond reproach, of course.

  6. I fly my III logo,. It was handed to me by by Mike V. himself, and if the ADL has a problem -- bring it. I'm tired of their anti-American shit.

    1. I knew and had coffee and had talks with Mike V several times when I lived in Gadsden, ALa. Nice guy.

  7. The first amendment is taking a beating right now. Just wait until they get the second nullified and then they will think they can run roughshod over us all. Stand your ground. Fight on your feet or die on your knees.

  8. Extremism in the defense of liberty is no vice.

  9. So, the number 3 is verboten, now? Who'd have thunk it? They keep banning numbers and letters, and they'll have to cancel Sesame Street.


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