
Thursday, February 04, 2021

The Shocking Truth of the Electrical Shock

 It strikes without warning and kills in an instant. We fear its might even as we use it to save a life. Explore the electric shock in its numerous forms. Visit a modern day taser factory, in Season 14, Episode 42, "Most Shocking."

VIDEO HERE  (43:15 minutes)


  1. Darn Kenny, it's marked Private Video now.

  2. Must have been flipped at some point based on views.

    Definitely Private now.

  3. Yep private, damn Kenny you ruined it!!!! Hahahahaha

  4. I can't understand why people are still posting to Youtube. Why aren't they posting to other servers? I think there is a vimeo? It doesn't toss people off for no reason, does it?
    Same thing with amazon. Conservative people still supporting amazon!!! jeez, what is wrong with you people? Stop doing any business that licks commie's ass.

    1. That's a nice sentiment about not doing business with commies, but if you've ever really checked it out, there's damned few if any companies that don't, at least to some degree. You'd have to be almost completely self sufficient to avoid that.

  5. I used to work with pallet making machines and machines that made the spring interiors for mattresses. These had electronically controlled pneumatic systems. The pallet machines were Italian and the control system used a 24 volt circuit. The spring interior machines were American. One day I was surprised to get a shock from a broken proximity switch. I later quizzed a guy from the company about voltages on the control system and was told that it was 110 volts. Ah, that would explain it I won't be doing that again.

  6. Thought I knew a lot about electricity. A carpet installer was telling me how his helper (the guy on his knees, cutting the carpet out on the driveway while the boss watched) had been electrocuted in this previous job. Little did I know that some people who are electrocuted live to tell about it, though most die on the spot.

  7. late 1970's using an electric weed eater - stepped in a bit of water, barefooted

    thought my dad picked me up from behind and started shaking me

    I laughed until it wasn't funny anymore


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