
Thursday, February 11, 2021

You didn't miss much, kid

A British teen who had been in a coma for a year after being hit by a car has finally started to emerge but has no knowledge of the coronavirus pandemic.


  1. If the kid was in a coma for a year how could he possibly know about anything that went over that passed year? What kind of news report is this?

    Man in coma for a year doesn't recall anything over the passed year. Now, doesn't that sound just stupid?

    1. they are journalism majors because they are too stupid to do anything actually productive and useful.

  2. wasnt this how a zombie movie from england started out ?

  3. He's going to want to go back to sleep after seeing the current state of things.

  4. Got wuflu twice while in intensive care? It's not known as the National Death Service for no reason . . . .


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