
Friday, March 19, 2021

Can you ride in a car with an immunized person if you’re unvaccinated?

(NEXSTAR) — So your pal is vaccinated against COVID-19, but you’ve yet to be immunized yourself. Is it safe to travel in a car with them? 

According to William B. Greenough, a professor emeritus of medicine at Johns Hopkins School of Medicine, we don’t quite know yet. 


What in the hell do you mean you don't know yet? Y'all said this 'vaccine' was thoroughly researched.


  1. Billy Bob in TexasMarch 19, 2021 at 1:06 PM

    The experimental gene therapy does not make you immune, it only mitigates symptoms. You still can catch it and spread it and you will probably die much sooner than if you simply used repurposed drugs like Ivermectin to prevent or treat the WuFlu. By the way, the WuFlu has a much higher survival rate than the jab that is NOT an FDA approved vaccine. You are the lab rat.

    1. 100% correct, sir!

    2. 10-4 on all that. Wife and I are avoiding the jab since it's an open ticket to your DNA after you've been stuck. Plus, what's the purpose of vaccinating against a virus that's 99.75% survivable? Must be another reason the bureaucrats are so intent that everyone, including those who've had Covid-19 and are therefore immune. I smell a big fat rat with Fauci's face on it.

  2. Soon we will have buses and water fountains for the vacinated and unvacinated. Those who don't take it will be required to wear a bright yellow mark on there clothes to idetify them from a distance.


    1. The yellow star is totally worth it, if it makes people stay the fuck away from me.

  3. I trust my HEALTHY immune system long before I trust a rushed, unknown, untested substance being injected into MY body.
    This is a guy who used 7 of 90 percosets after knee replacement surgery because I fucking hate narcotics.
    My body, my choice, isn't that what the abortionists say?

    1. Still got any of those perc’s left hanging out ?

    2. I'll take those unused percs if ya aint gonna eat em. Jus sayin. OG.

    3. Here's an idea...Quaalude's. Or hit your head hard with a mallet. Same effect. A friend told me.

  4. Experts at self aggrandizement and not anything more.

  5. Let me make this simple for folks so there's no confusion. They damn well know the answer to this and they don't want to tell the public because of the fear factor among our pussified society. The answer is YES the person can still infect you. The vaccine (no it doesn't cause changes in your genes, Jesus H people stop listening to the non medical morons touting that) will stimulate YOUR body to develop T cells and antibodies to minimize it's impact on your body BUT the virus can still survive and replicate (just with minimum affect on you) and you can still spread that virus that's in your mucous membranes until your body sufficiently mounts enough of a response to remove it from your body. Too many "know it all" on the internet that know nothing of immunity commenting on this. Really makes us on the right look like morons. BTW, I'm not getting the vaccine since I'm in mid 50's, good health and no underlying conditions. If I was in mid 60's or above or had any chronic ailments then I'd consider it. My wife (in her late 40's and also a veterinarian) is getting it because she just wants to not even deal with the potential for getting sick enough to be out of work. Since she works for me, I'm ok with that. No conspiracy worries here.

    1. So, you are a DVM, awesome. That makes you an expert in virology, vaccines and right-wing conspiracy realities? So, they know, you know, we know the realities of this medical therapy and you would still get it? What a tool! I call bullshit on you and the jab!

      Patrick Dye

    2. I wouldn't expect better from a man who uses the Lord's Name in such a casually disrespectful way.
      You're wrong. About just about everything here.

      Here's a real doctor....learn something

    3. From the FDA "What is a gene therapy?"
      Gene therapy is a technique that modifies a person’s genes to treat or cure disease. Gene therapies can work by several mechanisms:

      Replacing a disease-causing gene with a healthy copy of the gene
      Inactivating a disease-causing gene that is not functioning properly
      Introducing a new or modified gene into the body to help treat a disease

    4. Susan, Any doctor that touts themselves and prides themselves on being Anti-Vax are not considered doctors. They're considered quacks. They almost always graduated last in their class too. Keep on trusting people like this to make sound medical decisions and we'll be back in the dark ages of medicine. Remember, just because it's on the internet doesn't mean it's true. Again, my background is undergraduate studies in immunology, veterinary medical school, 30 years of practicing veterinary medicine. I've vaccinated more animals than people you've seen in your entire life. Oh yeah, I was also on a Corona virus task force that was started at the outset of the pandemic where we had specialists from all over the world sharing thoughts and ideas on what to do and where to go. And out of this, was born the current vaccines. Remember, they don't affect our genes. The descriptive gene therapy should never be used in the context of this vaccine. It's misinformation. And we're supposed to be the persuasion of science? Sometimes I wonder.

    5. You're the kind of arrogant, self-important, BSer I'd walk 1,000 miles around just to avoid. You sound like Biden. And you're flat-out the SCIENCE. This injection has N.O.T.H.I.N.G. to do with being a vaccine..that's kinda the point you quack. And while we're on topic, not every vaccine is a little research into the combined MMR vax that kids are required to take and its HUGE correlation with autism. Or you can walk out to the street corner with a bullhorn and tell everyone how great you are....gotta feeling that's your typical Sat. afternoon.

    6. I'm calm...I just really abhor self-important jackasses who live to lead people into life-altering, irreversible, mistakes.
      Again, from a real doctor....

      "Dr. Steven Hotze M.D., a medical professional out of Houston, Texas, wants Americans to know the COVID-19 shot is not technically a “vaccine” and is actually “a dangerous, experimental gene therapy.”

      “The so-called COVID-19 vaccine is not a vaccine at all. It’s a dangerous, experimental gene therapy,” he explains. “The Center for Disease Control, the CDC, gives the definition of the term vaccine on its website. A vaccine is a product that stimulates a person’s immune system to produce immunity to a specific disease. Immunity is the protection from an infectious disease. If you are immune to a disease, you can be exposed to it without being infected.”

      Continuing, the doctor says, “This so-called COVID-19 vaccine does not provide any individual who receives the vaccine with immunity to COVID-19. Nor does it prevent the spread of the disease.”

      Because of this, “It does not meet the CDC’s own definition of a vaccine. That’s why it’s a deceptive trade practice, under 15 U.S. Code Section 41 of the Federal Trade Commission, for pharmaceutical companies who are producing this experimental gene therapy to claim that it’s a vaccine.”

      Dr. Hotze alleges these companies, along with government health bureaucrats, are lying to the public by mislabeling the product.

      The experimental gene therapy is “only designed to minimize your symptoms if you were to be infected with the COVID-19 virus.”

      For those who might ask why the pharmaceutical companies would intentionally call the gene therapy treatments a “vaccine,” Dr. Hotze claims Big Pharma is attempting to shield itself “because vaccine injuries or deaths are exempted by law from any product liability lawsuits.”

      With no published animal studies and no long-term human studies, individuals who are taking the experimental gene therapy “vaccines,” are basically Guinea Pigs for the scientific elite.

      The Texas doctor adds, “These ‘vaccines,’ which are manufactured using cells derived from human babies that were aborted in the 1970s, should more accurately be called an experimental gene therapy. They are an untested, unproven experimental gene therapy that poses a much greater danger to your health than COVID-19 itself.”

      Dr. Hotze explains how major pharma company Moderna was founded in 2010 as ModeRNA Therapeutics because they were interested in developing experimental gene therapy using synthetic mRNA for the treatment of various diseases.

      “Moderna has never successfully developed a product for treatment of any disease prior to this,” he states. “An experimental gene therapy using synthetic mRNA to treat an infectious disease has never been attempted in humans, because of its failure in previous animal studies.”

      The synthetic messenger ribonucleic acid (mRNA) experimental gene therapy has previously immune system hyper-reactions during animal testing.

      Dr. Hotze warns a similar side-effect could take place in humans when they are later exposed to the same coronavirus against which they had been previously vaccinated.

      The auto-immune response could set people up for a lifetime of serious inflammatory disease.

      According to Dr. Hotze, when people who take the COVID shot start to get even sicker due to the mRNA therapy, anti-vaxxers and “variant strains” of the virus will be blamed.

      However, since the experimental gene therapy is being labeled a “vaccine,” the companies producing these potentially harmful products are exempt from being sued for any injury caused by vaccinations."

    7. Okay, but no more name calling, please. Aside from a few minor differences of opinion, we're all on the same side here in the big scheme of things.

    8. She's right. This isn't a vaccine, it's a untested therapy, and compared to HCQ cocktail and Ivermectin, more dangerous.
      It's like changing your body's DNA for no benefit, while voluntarily exposing yourself to bioweapons.
      What a great way to quickly reduce the population!

    9. Still unanswered: why are the highly touted 'vaccines' inflicting detriment and even death of some percentage of the people who get the jab? Anyone?

  6. So when are we going to start "vaccinated" those pushing vaccines ?

    This bullshit is so out of control already and we ain't seen nothing yet.

    Gates, Fauci, all the rest of the (((globalists))) as well as the idiot sheeple pushing the vaccine/gene invasion bullshit need to be buried in the back 40 of one of Gates new farms ... and we all know that's the only thing that will stop them.

  7. It's not a vaccine, it's gene therapy. Isn't it ironic all these people opposed to eating genetically modified organism food, yet they all fall in line for this shot to become genetically modified organisms themselves.

  8. If your pal has been given the vax shot then it is time to re assess your friendship. Unless your pal has a compelling reason for getting the shot,like a workplace requirement etc, then your pal has fallen for the scam and can no longer be relied on to have your back.
    Bill The Bunyip

  9. It all depends if I need a ride to the liquor store or not.

  10. The REAL question is "Who really gives a shit?".


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