
Tuesday, March 16, 2021

Cheap Thrills



  1. I was out on the front porch having a cup of coffee one morning and watching the sprinklers run and I noticed a hummingbird taking off and landing in a tree repeatedly. He was drinking water droplets from the sprinkler on the fly right out of the air every time it rotated around to him. Next time I'll try to get video.

    1. Yes, hummingbirds and sprinklers on a warm summer morning make for great entertainment. And the more the merrier. We would sometimes get 20 or 30 at the ranch and they'd all take turns in the 'shower'.

  2. Maybe I'm simple, but that one never gets old for me. Thank you, I think we needed that.

  3. Gotta love GSPs. Some of them are just nuts.

  4. I had a dog that did that, except wanted to kill the water. It wasn't long before she "ran off".


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