
Friday, March 26, 2021

COVID Restrictions to Remain in Place For Years

Despite the UK’s largely successful rollout of the coronavirus vaccine, a public health official says masks and other social distancing restrictions are likely to remain in place for years because the public has become used to them. 

Mary Ramsay, the head of immunisation at Public Health England, said the measures would remain in place while other countries complete their vaccination programs, a process likely to take years.


  1. Well this is certainly no surprise. It was clearly the plan all along.

  2. I refuse to recognize the terms 'covid', 'restrictions', 'measures'.
    I especially refuse to recognize 'mandates'... they are 'dictates' from dictators.

    And the whole 2020-21 shooting match is 'this phase of this Economic Lock-Down'.

    I welcome your rebuttal.

  3. She might like to consult with Joe Public about that. Why, BFYTW!

  4. There's no date limit on the number of times I and many others can say to the tossers in Wastemonster "4Q and the horse you rode in on"

  5. No secret the mighty have fallen. It's now up to the rest of us to think big.

  6. Interesting how Florida is doing relatively well with no mandates in place.

    Fla also has the uk strain - but no spike in deaths.

    Also utterly amazing how the uk is saying they've had no cases of influenza...

    I bet the uk is happy to cull the elderly population that is soaking up those NIH $$$ pounds for healthcare.

    This pAnDeMiC has been good for governments and long term care expenditures since 49% of deaths occurred in long term care facilities.

  7. Non-mandate Georgia county, I'm starting to see some folk without masks in Walmart and Kroger. I think the vaccinated are going to stop wearing masks and others will follow. I added another maskless store the other day - the local chain hardware store. Add this to the gun stores, tire store, fastener store and surprise, my local major brand insurance agency. Corporate names withheld to protect the locals.

    1. Hell, around here about half the people in Walmart weren't wearing masks even at the peak of the scare even though Walmart supposedly required them. Nowadays, maybe 10% of the customers wear them. In the Piggly Wiggly, nobody wore them.

  8. I saw a survey the other day that revealed millennials believe the 'Rona is 60x worse than it actually is. When asked what percentage required hospitalization once getting the bug, they said 60%! The number is actually 1 to 5%.
    Americans have been brainwashed with media propaganda.


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