
Friday, March 19, 2021

Fauci Warns States to Keep Restrictions or Independence Day Could Be Cancelled

On Sunday, Dr. Anthony Fauci warned that the Biden Administration’s prediction that coronavirus vaccines can lead to relative normalcy by July Fourth is “quite reasonable” —assuming states don’t pull back public safety measures, Politico reported.


Oh, bite me. If you have to have permission to celebrate your Freedom, you ain't free.


  1. Dr Fauxie, your government hack.

  2. What, like y'all havening been BBQ'ing all this time. The gnome named Fauci can FOADIAF with his lies and threats.

    1. From my cold, dead, barbecue-stained hands, Faux Xi...

  3. Fuck that bastard.

  4. Who the absolute fuck does Fauci think he is, anyway? Just another unelected bureaucrat trying to tell us all what to do.

  5. You can’t cancel “Independence Day”.....

    Ask Will Smith, Bill Pullman, and Jeff Goldblum....what happens.....! ! !


  6. I'm every bit American as you guys but that "freedom" that you speak of? Maybe it's just me but I aint feelin' it. Ohio Guy

  7. The first time I ever saw that little cocksucker, President Trump was standing behind him with a look on his face "this little fucker is going to ruin everything". And he did. What a piece of shit

  8. Fauxi The Flu Dwarf can kiss my ass.

  9. Fuck this Fauci punk. He's been wrong about EVERYTHING since day 1.

  10. I saw video of Rand Paul eviscerating Dr.Fauci the other day. Trying to get Fauci to tell him just what scientific studies they had that showed that someone who had already had the Covidvirus could get it again. Or had been vaccinated could get it. And then asked him why wearing a mask, no, TWO masks, was nothing but political theater? Or why you had to wear a mask after either having had the virus or had been vaccinated.
    Fauci tried to come up with an explanation, of course, but you know Rand Paul, my hero, he kept nailing the same thing, basically saying that they are either not really following science, but politics, or they just don't care about the science.
    Then some liberal in charge of the committee bailed the good Doctor out, trying to get Rand Paul to stop interrupting and let him finish. But in my opinion he was already finished. And has been, for quite some time.

  11. Please sir, may I have permission to grill a couple of burgers? May I wave my little American flag? It's only 6" and was made in China. I promise no sparklers.

    1. "Only if you do it in your own back yard, are with immediate family members who have all received 'the vaccine', are all wearing a minimum of two masks and that you all maintain proper social distance.
      Me, I'll be over at Nationals Stadium watching a ball game with my mask around my neck while sipping a beer with my buddies. But that'll be okay because I'm an expert. You're not.

      Your cooperation is greatly appreciated, Sucker."
      Regards, Dr. Anthony Fauci

  12. He is at the top of the list of traitors that should be swinging from a lamp post in Freedom Plaza.

  13. Let us start small.
    I intend to walk into the pasture with family in tow 12 noon EST 4 July 21.
    Listen for it, one round from everyone at the same time.
    Take a rifle, pistol, shotgun, if you happen to be stuck behind enemy lines take a hammer and hit something hard.
    12 noon EST
    4 July 21
    BOOM Let the sound of freedom loose
    Anyone care to join in making some noise?

    The shot heard round the world v2.0

    1. I'll be training most of the day so... Ya, I'll even go eff/ayye around the 1200 mark just to be sure.OG

    2. THIS is a GREAT idea! I hope it gets spread far wna wide, and so many join in the smoke cloud will be visible from San Fran to Swampy DC!

      Really commend you on this action that is not illegal, can be shared, instantaneously, by all, up and won the Easter Seaboard and beyond!

  14. Does anyone believe a word that comes out of these lying pricks like Fauci anymore?

    They are clearly incompetent lying buffoons. They could tell me the sky is blue an$ I’d still have to look.

  15. For as dumb as he is, even Fauci has to recognize that he's going to end up playing the role of Thomas Becket in an improptu performance of "Will No One Rid Me of This Meddlesome Doctor?" once all the economic fallout from the lockdowns becomes fully obvious to all and tax receipts crater.

  16. Fuck Fauci and the entire Biden admin including that "circle back bitch".

  17. No Fauxci, you are done ordering people around. Piss off.

  18. Anthony Fauci the wanna be “capo dei tutti i capi”

  19. When are we gonna cancel this lying leprechaun? Isn’t enough, enough? Klaus, gates, fauci, Pelosi put there faces on a deck of cards - public enemies.

  20. Pluck Ewe, Fauzi! That little Weasel ain't gonna order me around! The POS can go Frack himself. So can the (P)resident of the U.S.A. POTATUS Xiden*.

    My family, friends and I will celebrate the 4th, or any other damned holiday for that matter, in a manner of our own choosing.

    We don't need the 'help' of a Wannabe Totalitarian little Dick-Tater!

    ed in wa


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