
Thursday, March 11, 2021

German court won't try suspected former Nazi camp guard, 96

BERLIN (AP) — A German court has declined to put a suspected former guard at the Nazis' Stutthof concentration camp on trial, citing concerns over the 96-year-old's health. 


  1. The Guard's Health Insurance....he probably knows A Name or Two...

    1. The names he knows have likely been dead for decades.

  2. I checked the "DFC" box because I truly DON'T care about this. But I care enough to post a comment. This poor old fellow was arrested over in Oak Ridge, TN, about 20 miles from where I live. You'd think that an enlisted person who served in WWII in ANY capacity would be beyond the reach of time and sane people caring about such things. But we live in an era when purity tests are abroad in the land, and this nonagenarian was weighed in the balance (of purity) and found wanting. So he was uprooted from his Tennessee home and hustled off to Germany... TO FACE THE CONSEQUENCES OF HIS CRIMES!!! ...or something. I don't think anyone fully thought this thing out...and then for Germany to not press charges, well, there you have it. Even the PC Krauts don't want anything to do with this case. That speaks volumes. I do wonder what his daily life was like at the camps... following orders is the daily background for enlisted personnel, no matter what side you're on. The actual architects of the holocaust -- the officers and political bigshots -- were all tried and dealt with decades ago. End of story. And yet this aged old sergeant was somehow dug up by preening do-gooders, possibly expecting a badge or adulation for their own purity.

    There, got that off my chest.

    1. So now what happens to Germany's newest America hater?

  3. Good grief.... The camp secretary. Give this shit a break. Who will the Jews try to prosecute after they run out of "suspected" Nazis?

    1. 'The Holocaust©' should be good for a few hundred more pro-semites billions from American tax-payers.

      Anybody American refusing to 'reach deep' and cough-up 'their fair share' risks receiving the label 'anti-semites', and risks the likelihood of 'never working in hollywood again'.


      Is 'Nazi' the NewSpeak version of National Socialists aka 'NAZI'?
      With BOLSHEVICS fabricating new offenses by the minute, I can just barely keep up...

    2. Careful, speaking badly about the " chosen " ones will get you on the worst than deplorable list.

    3. They hate the Chinese because the Chinese wouldn't let them get a foothold in China which, TMK, executed them all.

      They hate Russia because Russians kicked all them out, confiscated their money, and rebuilt their country without benevolent Jewish superiority. Removing Jewery is one of the worst crimes you can commit and Jews have a burning hatred for Russia.

      Both the Jews and the Chinese want a one world government with their own people at the top. China uses force and economics while the Jews use deception and proxies. Note the never ending attempts to get us unto wars with China, Russia, and Iran; you vs him. Pit one enemy against another and gain from it.

      Calling out the tribe(s) is considered to be worse than pedophilia these days. Mere criticism and questioning of why so many countries make laws favoring them, special status, and payments of tribute, will get you smeared as an anti-semite. The Jews are at war with every country and will continue in trying to destroy us even after they run out of WW2 soldiers to hunt down. Easy to deduce who they will target after the last of the NAZIs run dry; single, straight, white, males and the nuclear family.

    4. WOW, do you hate Jews or what

  4. Most of the english language articles on this topic play heavy on the myth of the all volunteer Waffen SS super nazi. If you read any german, the German press point out that the deportee in question was one of tens of thousands of Luftwaffe and, in his case, KM Naval personnel that were involuntarily transferred into the SS after D-Day. That is why he draws a partial pension from the German government, even though former WSS do not qualify. These troops had little to no combat training, so unfortunately were pressed into roles that met their level of training such as KZ assignments, allowing adequately trained soldiers to rotate eastward. I don’t know where anyone got the idea that he could request a transfer, he wasn’t a manager at a Holiday Inn looking for a more favorable climate.

    1. Because standing orders issued by AH himself stated that any military personnel of any rank serving in the camps could request a transfer and it could not be refused. As incidentally acknowledged as evidence at the Nuremburg trials.
      of course he'd have probably ended up laying mines on the Eastern front.... 🙄

  5. I am conflicted on this one. Had it been one of my family that was exterminated like just one more pest that needed to be disposed of, that was in one of those notorious camps, I am not sure that I could ever forgive one who guarded the camps. No matter what circumstances the guard was when he was found. He had the chance live his entire life, which some nearly 6 million Jews, Gypsies, gays, and assorted other people never had the chance to do. So there would be still some desire for revenge in my heart.
    On the other hand, forgiveness is a quality that God places much emphasis on, and even sent His own Son to pay for our own forgiveness.
    Bob, to say that this guard was the camp secretary and imply that therefore his role was not enough to rise to the level worthy of being prosecuted for his part in the murder of the 6 million, is not right, and you also seem to blame the Jews for wanting to prosecute those who were involved in the attempt to wipe their entire nationality from the face of the earth. If instead of Jews, it had been perhaps, Canadians, or the French, would that make it somehow more acceptable for them to want punishment for such a genocide perpetrated against them?
    I admit that I have a strong love and concern for the Jews and the nation of Israel, based upon my understanding of some of the works that I read in my early years. But I would still feel the same, no matter their nationality. To be honest, the nation of Germany was complicit in the entire genocide also, as they had to have know something of what was going on, with the railroad cars of prisoners, the smells of burning bodies, and just the scuttlebutt from the soldiers stationed nearby, could not have escaped their knowledge.
    If the Jewish people want to forgive now, and allow those who did such horrific things to their fellow Jews over 70 some years ago, that should be up to them, and not to us on the outside looking in. But no matter how the Jews choose to proceed, we can never allow the world to forget, even if we encourage them to forgive. If we try to forget it, we may just possibly repeat it, or see it repeated by someone else, which would be even worse than the first time around.


  6. Are there any videos of him saying “the happiest part of his childhood was pointing out Jews to be sent to death camps?”
    Then you know WHO should be on trial!

  7. The Germans are concerned for the old man's health. His health shouldn't matter at this point. The Germans have turned into a bunch pussies under Merkel. Funny that, considering she served in the Stasi prior to re-unification.

    What I'd really like to know is how he got here in the first place and who in .gov was protecting him all these years?

    1. No one was “protecting” him, unlike the boys rounded up in Operation Paperclip. When he immigrated, he acknowledged his service in the Kriegsmarine but omitted being conscripted into the SS-Manschaft, which technically wasn’t the SS just like the State Defence Force is different from the National Guard, but most Americans aren’t aware of the difference. By 1959, most of the worst were dead, in prison, or living the high life in Sud Amerika and the US government generally took immigrants on their word that they weren’t Wanted for war crimes, especially if they still carried non-SS paperwork.


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