
Thursday, March 11, 2021

Gotta try it on for size before you buy



  1. "I bet this baby will clear under a trailer! Here, hold my beer!"

  2. I'm 6-7" and have always had to try on a car for size. Sports cars are out for sure. I've been driving trucks for the last 35 years.

    1. I'm 5'10 and shrinking and I have always had to test a car for space for my big feet and leg lenght.

      Surprisingly, the 1970's Datsun B-210 had some of the best feet room. The Ford van not so much but was doable due to the weird layout of controls and a very non-adjustable seat, and the stupid Ram minivan has the most room of them all, ergonomically wise

  3. Back in my fathers day tall men are six foot and a little over. Most those men would not buy a car if they could not sit and wear a hat. They liked the Dodge and Chrysler products due to that.

  4. It's not always just height. I have a friend that's probably around 3" shorter than I am, but he's beefy, you know? Stocky. When this guy sits down on the bleachers next to me, sonofagun his head is about 8" higher than mine because of all that meat stacked up. Weird.

  5. Reminds me of the time I saw Shaq driving his Mercedes 1000 on the freeway in Orlando. I'd never seen this model of a Benz and this one was a real limo, so it was way big. But Shaq behind the wheel was a site to behold, sorta like a gore-rilla driving a car. And I'm not being raycist, that's what it looked like. I laughed my ass off.

  6. A place that I used to work at in the late 1970s used to use Bedford HA Vans. These were based on the design of the 1960s Vauxhall HA Viva saloon car. There was a bulkhead behind the driving seat so that you couldn't move it back like you would in the car. I'm only average height but found them terribly cramped to drive in.

  7. All of that is nice but my question is: why does that guy have man tits?


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