
Friday, March 12, 2021

LGBT Activists Get Checkmated by TikTok Users With a New Hilarious Sexuality Type

The LGBT activist community has convinced many that being straight is out of style and that in order to be trendy you have to identify as something. Your sexuality is now your identity, and the younger the age group the more this thinking has infected people.

According to the LGBT community, any choice in identity must be respected to the point of being revered. It can never be questioned or criticized. To be of any kind of sexuality makes one a higher being.


  1. Yup. I'm out as SuperStraight, living my truth. Marking 'other' on all the bio forms from now on. Such a relief to not be confused or in the closet anymore. Part of the oppressed 97% minority.

  2. I love it, use their own rules. You better not be super straightphobic!!!

    1. Queers and trannies don't GET rules. They are barely 5% of the total population of North America. They DO NOT have a VOICE. They are no more than the scum ring in a bathtub. fuckem

    2. [rocketride]

      Technically 'heterophobic'.

  3. I honestly made it through just over two minites of this and started to get a headache...does this make me a bad person? Oh, superstraight since 1952, muthafucka...

  4. Superstraight to the bone (see what I did there?). There is only three genders- male, female and queer.

  5. Just 1 question, are there any sane people who give a fuck about any of this stupid shit ?

  6. So is the new acronym LGBTQSS?

  7. The worst travesty, next to Boxwine Granny's immediate declaration that the House Rules be modified to stipulate that all correspondence in the House use the newly minted gender identifiers is having this bullshit on the White House Contact the President Home Page, although it's not a "required" field.


  8. Oh, forgot to add, I identify as an cranky, old, straight, white guy because FYTW.


  9. What are 'my pronouns'?

    F U. joe tentpeg

  10. My pronouns are YRH/HRH (as in Your Royal Highness, His Royal Highness). And I demand to be so addressed, TYVM.

  11. Queue up Rick James’ tune of “Super Freak” and use Super Straight!

  12. Super Straight since '52 myself. I still look at the girls.

    I just don't remember why...

  13. Super Straight. That's just the way I'm wired.

  14. Apparently I was BORN Super Straight, because I can remember my babysitter trying me out around four years old. And I been trying out ever since.

  15. I applaud the guy who came up with this.
    The larger and FAR more important "take away" from this is-
    Give the zoomers and younger something that comports with their reality (they know they are XX or XY), and they will stay with what they know to be true. They know there are not 57 genders and all that progressive, communist rubbish.
    It is like F=MA; right, red, returning and other such constants in life. They also know that at the end of the rainbow of glitter spewing unicorns, there is the year zero of the current Pol Pots of the world, and the end result is as unchangeable as gravity, the speed of light and the water cycle.
    You win the culture war by, in the words of Saul Alinsky himself, making the enemy play by his own rules. That the result happens to be hilarious is even better.

  16. Nope.
    Nope, nope, and nope.

    Just as I detest the mis-appropriated 'gay' and 'lesbian' to soften the impact of 'homo-sexual', I refuse to use their fabricated word 'straight'.

    Hetro-sexual or homo-sexual.
    That is it.
    Sum total.

    And the definition of sexuality -- "the capacity for sexual feelings".
    'Sexuality' has nothing to do with the ability to be special dujour.
    You have sexuality, a tuna has sexuality, a rhodadendrum has sexuality.
    The bents are all average... nothing special.
    Quit burning bandwidth about the specialness of your sexuality.
    Nobody cares.
    Read my fist -- nobody cares.

    I quit playing their game on their field with their ball.
    If the bents want to bent-off with any available bent-oriface, they need to keep it in their bedroom.

    And princess markle can suck snot with reverend al sharpton.
    I had it with those people infesting my planet.

  17. but princess is so oppressed in her 14 million dollar home.

  18. There are only three sexes. Male, Female, and All Fucked Up.


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