
Thursday, March 04, 2021

Must be for that nasty goat smell if it's in Iraq



  1. I had to look this up.

    Boners is a brand that is created specifically for men and it specializes in various products for the penis and balls. The collection consists of a wide range of cock rings, cock & ball stretchers and drugstore products. Boners products are easy to use, have a manly design and are suitable for all men.

    Sold in the UK, it only gets 50% 5-star ratings on Amazon which isn't so good, especially when using on your boys.

  2. Here in Oklahoma, it's called bathing. We do it once a day. Sometimes twice in the summer and wash possible every time. If all your washing is your dick that might be where social distancing started

  3. I keep my Boners right aside the Ajax. I like like ta keep my wimmens clean too.

    1. Damn straight Bright Eyes...I'm with you on that .

  4. Penis cleaning is recommended after fucking a Goat or a Camel. Sorry, it was there, I had to take it.


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