
Thursday, March 25, 2021

‘Nobody’s Going to Shoot You,’ He Said, Five Minutes Before She Got Shot

“De-escalation” is the buzzword in law enforcement these days. Police are trained to reduce the risk of violence in confrontations by talking in a reassuring manner to the subjects of their investigations. There is also a lot of emphasis on “less lethal” weapons like tasers and beanbag guns as ways to avoid shooting suspects. In all of this, Nashville Officer Ben Williams was doing a great job with Melissa Wooden. 

It was all fine, up until she got shot. Here, watch the bodycam video and see for yourself what went wrong with this situation: 


  1. Right about the moment the mom beast came into the picture.

  2. I saw the video of this recently. The cops were actually doing a pretty good job of keeping it calm until grandma showed up and inserted herself in the situation. From that point on it was chaotic and the officer doing the talking ended up using his taser. It didn’t work and the covering officers opened fire as the woman charged.

    One could criticize a little, but short of having someone drag grandma back to the house they did darn near everything they could in the situation.

    1. Yeah, Grandma blew everything up for sure. I could see that coming to a peaceful end until she showed up.

    2. Maybe that's WHY Grandma showed up. Then again, cray cray IS hereditary. Ohio Guy

  3. Crazy people are a bit unpredictable in addition to being dangerous. They are not like thee and me. Well...

  4. Grandma screwed the pooch.

    The vast majority of mentally ill people are not dangerous. Not to themselves, not to others. In fact, the most vulnerable segment of society is the mentally ill.

    I find very little to criticize here. Left alone, the police were doing a good job of deescalating the situation, then Grandma has to show up and exert her authority - and get everything spun up again.


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