
Monday, March 15, 2021

Numbers don't lie

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) released a report Friday in which it quietly admitted that the mask mandates in America were allegedly responsible for less than a 2 percent decrease in COVID case growth after ONE HUNDRED DAYS. But still the CDC advises wearing masks, despite their own numbers.


  1. It's closer to ZERO because they are counting "positive" tests which is 100% meaningless.

  2. numbers don't lie, politicians do. The hypochondriacs running this shit show need to be told to fuck off.

  3. Fuck the CDC.....And their little masks, too!

  4. Tony ‘Two Masks’ Fauci reminds me of the old bit about the guy sitting on a park bench in Washington DC. He’s tearing a newspaper into little bits and tossing them in the air. His behavior alarms several folks, who notify the police.

    The cops approach the gent and ask him why he’s doing that.

    ‘To keep the lions away” he replies.

    ‘Buddy, there are no lions here in in DC’ the police tell him.

    ‘See how well it’s working!’ he replies.

  5. Inside the linked article is this link-
    READ: CDC Caught Inflating COVID Death Numbers By At Least 1600 Percent While Trump Was President.

    In other words, from the very beginning this was all political. Just another Democrat lie.

    1. What would you expect from Faudci? The guy who sent Hitlery the asshole licking letter telling her how much he was going to enjoy her being president.



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