
Thursday, March 11, 2021

Oh, now it's an 'attack'?

ORLANDO, Fla. – Another Florida woman was arrested Tuesday for participating in the January attack on the U.S. Capitol following a rally held by then-President Donald Trump, authorities said.


  1. It's a war of words, the communists and their sympathizing retards are using propaganda and divisional rhetoric to label those that don't buy their bullshit as "domestic enemies" of the state. Fuck the communist bastards

  2. Armed-insurrection, riot, violent assault and attack, but never a peaceful protest. That term is reserved for ANTIFA/BLM civic activities.

  3. Jan 6 was the Left's Reichstag fire, and as such, it'll be used to enact any number of repressive & unconstitutional laws, "to prevent White Extremist Terrorism."

    "Never let a good crisis go to waste", and if you don't have a crisis, you manufacture one. Thus the placement of Antifa & BLM agent provocateurs in the Jan 6 crowd, who were then led into & thru the Capital by the guards, and photographed for the MSM narrative. Any number of people have pointed out how the crowd was non-violent, but that's not the narrative the MSM & Left are pushing. And the voices on our side are drowned out, or banned from social media, "for false narratives."

  4. Wait.. My local news reader (propaganda officer) has said for weeks it was an 'armed insurrection'.

    1. Nobody but the Capitol Police had guns and only one shot was fired all day.

  5. According to BOLSHEVICS NewSpeak, 'armed militia groups' in Syria are worthy of some American bombs.

    How long before this BOLSHEVICS vocabulary infers all 'armed groups' and 'militia' are in-season for similar theatrics?

    How safe is the ,Rawles 'Greater Idaho redoubt' with BOLSHEVICS on the loose?

  6. Where is the County Sheriff? Complicit I guess?


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