If people are looking at him, they are not looking at you. It is a corollary to the laws of Thermodynamics- paraphrased as, "If the heat is on somebody else, it is not on you." How he chooses to wear his hardware, however, is none of my damn business.
Let this guy arm himself the way he wants to. Pinocchio has at least four secret service members with him all the time, so why can this private citizens not carry four weapons?
There could be more on the other side too. I personally carry a minimum of two, a Swiss Army knife and some sort of lock blade. It's not unusual for me to add to that.
Knew a Vet from the 60's came home in a rough way. Lived in a tent with a bunch a dogs. Had big ass knives hanging off his belt. He worked hard as a tree trimmer. He was in big demand at a huge resort. He had repelling equipment and to watch that man trim trees was a ballet. No fear, he would swing from one tree to another chopping, cutting, had a chainsaw too. I could go on but ya get the picture. Anyway, I thought of this guy.
I was carrying 3-4 knives for awhile. I ended up giving one to a kid I was working with that never had a knife. He was about 21, was working with me as a maintenance man, and didn't have a single knife on him. I am retired now, and have moved down to 2 knives and a Leatherman.
In the grunts I used to carry around a leatherman, eventually I moved to a leatherman squirt which worked wonderfully (keychain size). Worked fine for 550 cord and MREs. Now I use either a cheapo pocket knife or a generic box cutter for utility around the back yard.
If I ever carry them for combat reasons, I'll probably opt for three: A normal 4-6" fighting knife / fixed blade for utility and backup, a Havalon #60A scalpel / knife combo w/ extra #14 blades for splinters (fine work), and a pig stickin machete because I'm familiar with their use and handling. -arc
About 1996 or so: In the mountains east of Sacramento, my redneck cousin Dan got married again. Dan and his new bride invited about a hundred of us to their catered BBQ reception in a Loomis country park, a professional trailer BBQ with a nice buffet of the usual potato-salad and cole-slaw sides. Lovely steaks... with plastic disposable tableware.
Without missing a beat, our side of the family ignored the plastic knives. We automatically transitioned to any of the knives we automatically carry anyplace any time.
Her side of the wedding party fumbled around trying to saw steaks with their little clear plastic knives and forks. Some of her people eventually resorted to 'finger-food', picking up an entire steak to gnaw off a chunk.
Our side looked at each other. The unspoken "She'll learn..." was the agreement around our side.
As an aside: * later that afternoon, I put fourteen .308 shots through an AR-10 into a quarter-inch circle at 104-yards. Drilled a hole clean through that eight-foot Redwood. Why fourteen rounds? That was all the mid-bore rifle EDC ammo I had in my pocket. Still have the rifle...
Went to an after work dinner thingy outdoors and everyone was using their plastic crapware. I used a plastic fork but pulled out my pocket knife to cut things. You'da thought I pulled out an atomic bomb. "Weapons free zone! Weapons free zone." Caramba.
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If people are looking at him, they are not looking at you. It is a corollary to the laws of Thermodynamics- paraphrased as, "If the heat is on somebody else, it is not on you." How he chooses to wear his hardware, however, is none of my damn business.
ReplyDeleteNow I have to fine an opportunity to use that sentence "If the heat is on somebody else, it is not on you."
DeleteWith the jacket on, we can't see how many belts and suspenders he's wearing.
ReplyDeleteStabbing, slicing, throwing, and one for cutting apples.
ReplyDeleteMale redneck version of "Attention Whore".
ReplyDeleteLet this guy arm himself the way he wants to. Pinocchio has at least four secret service members with him all the time, so why can this private citizens not carry four weapons?
ReplyDeleteprobably what you see he has for close in work. wonder what is there on him for work past arms length?
DeleteNot sure he should be eating all that white bread?
ReplyDeleteUnless he has at least a couple pocket knives, he's under knifed.
ReplyDeleteThere could be more on the other side too. I personally carry a minimum of two, a Swiss Army knife and some sort of lock blade. It's not unusual for me to add to that.
ReplyDeleteLeatherman and a flipper for me.
Knew a Vet from the 60's came home in a rough way. Lived in a tent with a bunch a dogs. Had big ass knives hanging off his belt. He worked hard as a tree trimmer. He was in big demand at a huge resort. He had repelling equipment and to watch that man trim trees was a ballet. No fear, he would swing from one tree to another chopping, cutting, had a chainsaw too. I could go on but ya get the picture. Anyway, I thought of this guy.
ReplyDeleteI was carrying 3-4 knives for awhile. I ended up giving one to a kid I was working with that never had a knife. He was about 21, was working with me as a maintenance man, and didn't have a single knife on him.
ReplyDeleteI am retired now, and have moved down to 2 knives and a Leatherman.
In the grunts I used to carry around a leatherman, eventually I moved to a leatherman squirt which worked wonderfully (keychain size). Worked fine for 550 cord and MREs. Now I use either a cheapo pocket knife or a generic box cutter for utility around the back yard.
ReplyDeleteIf I ever carry them for combat reasons, I'll probably opt for three:
A normal 4-6" fighting knife / fixed blade for utility and backup,
a Havalon #60A scalpel / knife combo w/ extra #14 blades for splinters (fine work),
and a pig stickin machete because I'm familiar with their use and handling.
Picture taken in the local WalMart, I presume.
ReplyDeleteCouldn't be. No butt crack showing.
DeleteLooks like that redneck state of Tennessee.
ReplyDeleteFirst guy shot in a bad scenario. Suffers from the syndrome as well.
ReplyDeleteDaily carry includes multiple knives and lighters. You just never know what's around the corner.
ReplyDeleteAbout 1996 or so:
ReplyDeleteIn the mountains east of Sacramento, my redneck cousin Dan got married again.
Dan and his new bride invited about a hundred of us to their catered BBQ reception in a Loomis country park, a professional trailer BBQ with a nice buffet of the usual potato-salad and cole-slaw sides.
Lovely steaks... with plastic disposable tableware.
Without missing a beat, our side of the family ignored the plastic knives.
We automatically transitioned to any of the knives we automatically carry anyplace any time.
Her side of the wedding party fumbled around trying to saw steaks with their little clear plastic knives and forks.
Some of her people eventually resorted to 'finger-food', picking up an entire steak to gnaw off a chunk.
Our side looked at each other.
The unspoken "She'll learn..." was the agreement around our side.
As an aside:
* later that afternoon, I put fourteen .308 shots through an AR-10 into a quarter-inch circle at 104-yards.
Drilled a hole clean through that eight-foot Redwood.
Why fourteen rounds?
That was all the mid-bore rifle EDC ammo I had in my pocket.
Still have the rifle...
Went to an after work dinner thingy outdoors and everyone was using their plastic crapware. I used a plastic fork but pulled out my pocket knife to cut things. You'da thought I pulled out an atomic bomb. "Weapons free zone! Weapons free zone." Caramba.