
Friday, March 05, 2021

Oughta make for some interesting family dinners

The great tragedy of our time is that liberals vote left. 

Virtually every value liberals have held for a century is now held by conservatives and scorned by leftists. Therefore, America, in serious jeopardy of being lost, will be saved when people convince the liberals in their life that the left, not the conservative, is their enemy. 

This process begins by establishing whether a friend or relative is a liberal or a leftist. If it turns out that he or she is a liberal, it is worth engaging in respectful dialogue on the issues of the day. If the friend or relative is a leftist, you can probably only talk about innocuous subjects such as the weather (though not about global warming) or sports (though not about players taking a knee during the national anthem). If you talk about the great issues of the day with a left-wing friend or relative, that could be the last time you talk to each other. He or she is likely to unfriend you not only on social media but also in life. Leftists generally do not dialogue; they dismiss.


  1. Unfortunately, I have a daughter in law that is a leftist pig. There is absolutely nothing to talk about with this bitch. I don't use the C word often, this bitch's picture should be in the dictionary next to the C word. Ugh. Hybo

  2. I just read, if you chose to believe the article, Type A blood has a higher risk of getting covid. Type A came around with the agricultural explosion. So maybe the plant eating mother fuckers will die from it. Although few are dying.
    Type O the oldest blood on the planet is about hunting and gathering. I'm O, pass the bacon.

    1. I think you misunderstand the nature of blood types.

      Anyway, no one has a higher risk of getting "covid" since there's no such thing, the fuckers made that shit up. Already been proven by a lab that rechecked positive samples from infected patients under a scanning electron microscope and didn't find a single particle of anything other than influenza. Not one single particle, out of thousands of positive samples rechecked. It's all just flu.

  3. Screw them, Leftists are the bigoted, thuggish, lying, self-aggrandizing racist thieves of our lives, our liberties, our freedoms and our vote.

  4. It's difficult to accept, but the war of dialogue with leftist is lost. If there's one thing to understand about statism, is that people hold it as closely as a belief system.

  5. I don't have anything to do with them, there's nothing to talk about, I will not have one in my home and I sure as shit ain't going to their's. If they all died today I would celebrate for about 5 minutes then go on with my life.
    Fuck every one of em.

  6. They aren't all beyond redemption. Some realise the errors of their ways and change their minds. Often it is after they have worked for a few years and pretty much put their lives in order. They aren't rich but they're doing ok. It is then that they realise that the parasitic lefty government is coming after them. Suddenly redistributing wealth isn't such a good idea.

    1. Some of the most influential conservative patriots started out as leftists. Mike Vanderboegh is just one example of many. No one is beyond redemption, but the vast majority of both leftists and liberals are so locked into their ways that they can't think clearly.

    2. I was a hard-core Leftist in my youth, but I had something that many do not have: the humility to admit I might be wrong. Thus, when confronted with something that didn't match what I already believed, I didn't discard it or slough it off, but sought to resolve the dissonance between what I believed and the observed data.

    3. My sister was and is leftwing.
      At the beginning she was leftwing (Save the poor refugees etc.). Then she moved to Berlin and encountered the TTTE. Thats for Turkish Tit Touchers Express. She had to travel by Bus from her flat to her place of work and the area between two stations were where a group of young turkish guys entered the bus and touched the tits of EVERY women to see if those were real tits or fake (e.g. silicone) ones. During that time she was so rightwing that even the NPD (that was the closest the Germans got to another NSDAP after WW II) looked like pussies.
      Unfortunately she moved to a clean (read: white) area in a northern town and she turned back into a leftwing loony.
      I think the exposure time or pain she felt was not enough.
      Alex Lund

  7. Seems to be that "liberals" ARE Leftists.

  8. Until we do the same thing, cut them off, disown them, and utterly ostracize them from OUR society; they will continue to walk over us. If they are leftist then they are the enemy, pure and simple.

    I don't use enemy lightly, it's reserved for those who are simply lost beyond all reasoning and discussions; those who hate me even though I never raised a finger against them. They have utterly abandoned the peace table. Even Hajis can be reasoned with.


  9. They call themselves "liberal" but they are not. Their knowledge of history is deficient (to put it mildly) so they are ignorant of their ignorance of everything that has occurred in the past 10,000 years that brought about the world civilization extant today.

    I call myself liberal because I am, in the classic sense as noted by Prager. By any objective measure I'm a centrist, with a touch of right and an equal amount of libertarian. To modern "liberals" I'm well to the political right of John Birch.

  10. The best thing we could do for a leftist is shanghai them to someplace like Venezuela or NK & let them see exactly what it is they're asking for.
    OTOH, with all this wuflu shit, I'm thinking a lot of our fellow citizens like being sheep.


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