
Friday, March 12, 2021

Previews of Coming Attractions

How reassured were you by Joe Biden’s speech to the nation Thursday night? The more his managers pretend that he’s in charge of anything, the more unlikely it actually seems. So, they wound him up — Adderall would be my guess, to fortify the attention span — and rolled him out like the mummy of Amenhotep III, and one could just imagine the leaders of this-and-that foreign nation cringing (or cackling) in their seats to see this embodiment of collapsing America go through his spiritless ritual motions. 

Mostly what did not fly is the idea that the Covid-19 virus can still be used as a cattle-prod for herding citizens into feedlots of compliance — Americans are buffalos, not steers. They are determined now to take care of business, and the main business of people with any initiative will be to rig up some sort of gainful occupation while the lumbering old systems break down. They will do it despite orders to operate at fifty percent capacity, or close at nine o’clock, or be handcuffed by rinky-dink regulations. They’ll have to get creative to figure out ways around all the official impediments to making a living. This group of the not-yet-undead will resist further attempts to restrict their liberty and to steal the fruits of their own enterprise to pay for other people’s failures or lack of enterprise.


  1. Yeah, Adderall and/or cholinesterase inhibitors (which can be used to produce some temporary improvement in Alzheimer's) can both cause the pupils to dilate which is probably why Joe's blue eyes have been looking like big black holes lately.

  2. I tried watching that sorry mess but couldn’t last five minutes. Whoever is his speechwriter should be fired - nothing but doom and death.

    I hate this administration with the burning passion of a thousand suns. The idea of the government “maybe allowing” small gatherings by July 4th is absurd. Fuck this guy and fuck that sorry-ass bitch who is counting the days until she grabs power to really destroy America.

    1. I think I made it about 2 minutes before I said 'screw this' and went to fuck with that asshole dog Jack.

    2. Jack has a better idea of what’s going on.
      Paul J

    3. Probably one or two months and Chlamydia Harris will be in charge. It is sad that nobody seems to bring up the obvious massive voter fraud anymore. Illegitimate regime. Hybo

  3. I was in the grip of such disgust at him taking credit for all of the COVID infrastructure put in place by President Trump that I was almost physically ill and had to turn it off after just a few gut wrenching minutes. Typical Demonrat, like pigeon that lands on a chess board, kicks all of the pieces off the board while crapping all over it and telling everyone he won (yes, I stole that from Mr. Putin. Figure out why.)


  4. I can't believe all ya'll. You seem to buy into the bullshit that this guy is even the real biden. Prove it! He doesn't even LOOK like the real biden. I don't know the URL, go look for it, there's a web site that has cameras on the buildings in DC. No one except workmen are there.
    Little or NO traffic. C-Span never shows a full House of congresscritters, cuz about half are not there. Same with the Senate. Quit watching CNN goofballs. There is NO government. The military is running this country.
    And NO I won't take the time to prove any of this to you. You can find all the proof you need just as easily as I did. First thing, shut the fucking MSM off. Start listing for the EBS to tell you something on the radio or TV.

    1. We need to prove to YOU that the real Biden is in office? You're the one making these claims (and as far as I can tell, the only one) yet you expect us to waste our time chasing rabbits?

    2. It's him. I saw my mother-in-law, whom I loved dearly, go through exactly the same thing he is. Two years before she passed away, when she was still in her home just before she went into a care facility, my wife and I were with her one afternoon and when we left I said to her "She's already gone". It only got worse from there. There were good days and bad days but she was indeed gone and never came back. It's exactly the same as with Joe Biden.

      The Biden presidency is just another of the lies being fed to us every day by the Democrat party. It was a lie from the very beginning of his campaign. If they didn't have lies they'd have nothing. And next up for us is the lie of America's First Woman President. It will be "historic!", they'll tell us. And it will just be another lie.

    3. That is one of the things that bothers me the most about his entire candidacy and this scam of a presidency.
      I also took care of my elderly mother and saw her leave years before her body stopped working. I would think many multiples of millions of people have been in the same situation with one relative or another, if not several and should be able to recognize his condition. AND YET MANY OF THEM "VOTED" for this guy!

  5. One thing I caught was "your TREASURE checks are in the mail." Assume he meant Treasury.
    What really frosted me was his comment (paraphrased) "last year has been the darkest in the history of the United States." ???!!! Excuse me, I do believe the Japanese bombing of Pearl Harbor & subsequent US entry into WWII was more earth-shattering for many people. And what about 9/11?? The first full year after that happened had a lot of unease and terror for our citizens. God help us, and I truly/literally mean it.

    1. There were some darkish days in the late 1700s and mid 1860s, too.

  6. He didn't do anything of note in his 47 years in CON-gress, so why does anyone expect anything different now? And we already know he asks for bribes, and now he's got Harris shillin' for him as the pimp. C'mon Man, you know!
    BTW that was the most low-energy speech I've ever seen by any so-called "leader" much less than the POTUS. The other Nuke powers must be thinking this would be a great time to pull something.


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