
Wednesday, March 03, 2021

Shit, they're already getting free room and board

SACRAMENTO, Calif. (AP/CBS13) — California relies on thousands of inmates to fight massive wildfires, churn out vehicle license plates, mop prison floors and myriad other tasks — all for wages that rarely top a few dollars a day. 

Opponents want to end what they call a visage of slavery. They propose to amend the state Constitution’s ban on indentured servitude to remove an exemption for people who are being punished for crimes.


  1. If the government is going to lock you in a cage, they shouldn't be forcing you to work for someone else.

    Didn't pay your taxes? Gonna have to go be a wildland firefighter to handle the results of our stupid policies.

    Didn't harm anyone, but had a plant in your car? Gonna have to go shovel AIDS infected shit and needles off the street because of our bad policies.

    Neighbor red flags you and you tell the cops it's bullshit when they show up to take your guns? Gonna have to play frogger on the highway and pick up trash.

    Government is incompetent at pretty much everything. Don't give them the ability to incarcerate people for stupid reasons so they get free labor.

    1. Well,
      If you’re going to stick that shit in your body, why not shovel it?
      F Fisher

    2. "Government is incompetent at pretty much everything."

      They're excellent at enslaving people and getting rid of excess population, though. Especially so when the latter have outlived their usefulness as the former.

    3. They did stop the forest firefighting, but after a few acres realized their stupidity.

  2. They need to be reminded that these clowns volunteer for the jobs, and get 3-1 sentencing reductions then they're in the program.

    1. Exactly. They’re not “forced” into anything.
      Apparently the Fuckups In Charge don’t want prisoners to learn ANY skills or have any diversions from sitting in a cell.
      Fights and riots to increase in 3..2..

  3. So they want to turn prison into a country club vacation resort.

  4. Won't that require a change to the 13th Amendment? "The 13th amendment to the United States Constitution provides that 'Neither slavery nor involuntary servitude, except as a punishment for crime whereof the party shall have been duly convicted, shall exist within the United States, or any place subject to their jurisdiction.'"

    1. Good catch, but the 13th Amendment does not *require* involuntary servitude as a punishment for crime. Californicatia could ban it legally. Not saying they should, just that they could under the 13th.

    2. Doesn't matter anyway, don't you hear all amendments are repealed per Joe Slow.

  5. The California legislature has too much time on their hands. Time to make Legislators part time. First priority, balance budget without raising taxes. NO PAY CHECKS until that's done.

  6. "journalists", eh? More like urinallists.

    "Remove a visage of slavery..."

    Visage: how a thing is seen.
    Vestige: hold over. As in "vestigial organ".

    Do any of these idiots even SPEAK conversational English, let alone have educations?

    I suspect not.

    1. Thank you. I was just about to bitch about the same thing.
      Your suspicion is no doubt right on the money.

  7. Ask the inmates.
    Having worked cdc&r the inmates like the diversion.
    if it is going to cost more, as in minimum wage, it will be a non starter.
    The best job going is working the fire crews.
    IF an inmate qualifies, he is then trained in firefighting.
    When firefighting, it is a hard job where they are treated well and fed like champs.

    1. When I was a kid working on a CDF hand crew I actually tired of eating steak at the end of every shift. The inmates were eating the same meals I was.
      If that's indentured servitude it's a damn fine indentured servitude.

  8. PS
    one of the least sought corrections assignments is checking inmates entering prison jobs, going to and coming back from lunch and leaving at the end of shift.
    We´re talking cavity search here ...................................

  9. No correctional facility should ever cost the tax payer a single red cent to operate. You and I have to work to live, so should every resident of every adult daycare for the legally challenged.

    1. That is a great idea that I 100% agree with and support!

    2. The trouble is, 90% of them are incapable of doing useful work of any sort unless closely supervised - and that supervisor costs more than their labor is worth, whether they are prisoners or free.

  10. Everything EVERYTHING is "equity" to these vermin, NOT equality. They want to be more equal than others. If the majority of prisoners are one race, it means more people of that race committed more crimes than people of other races. DUH!

    I work in several prisons and every single prisoner I've talked to - of every race - jumps at the chance to do ANYTHING other than sit in their cell or the common room. Most would work even if they didn't get paid.

    I say give the moonbats what they want. Pay the workers BUT charge EVERY inmate, whether they work or not, for room, board, television time, hygiene items, the cost of guards, medical costs, EVERYTHING. Instead of each prisoner costing $60K/year, the economically disadvantaged taxpayers in the hood don't have to pay as much as before. That's equity.

  11. Oh gee lets think about this for a moment. Lets give them a choice, sit in their cell all day or allow them to leave the cell and EARN a few dollars and actually do something, anything besides just sitting.

  12. They aren't forced to work, but Hell, lock them up, let them set around watching tv, feed them all they want of fatty foods, let heart disease take it's toll.

  13. Leave it to the California Legislature to pass a law that would allow inmate firefighters to become professional firefighters shortly before attempting to do away with the 'indentured servitude' of being an inmate firefighter.

  14. Having spent 3 years in the pokey I totally fucking disagree. 1- it somewhat pays for your room and board. 2- its better than being stuck in a fucking cell all day.3- your not paying for anything so its going to buy commissary or black market shit. 4- unless youve been there you should probably just shut the fuck up about it, Im talking to the journalists and leftees who think they are doing the inmates a favor.


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