
Thursday, March 25, 2021

The Ninth Circus never fails to disappoint

SAN FRANCISCO (CN) — Americans have no right to carry guns in public, a divided en banc Ninth Circuit panel ruled Wednesday, reversing a prior Ninth Circuit decision that struck down a Hawaii firearm restriction as unconstitutional.

“There is no right to carry arms openly in public; nor is any such right within the scope of the Second Amendment,” U.S. Circuit Judge Jay Bybee, a George W. Bush appointee, wrote for the majority of an 11-judge panel in a 127-page opinion.


  1. Then what does the ninth circiut think the term "bear arms" mean?

    1. They don't give a fuck what it means. They went to ivy league schools, were born into $$, and have been entitled their whole lives. And they truly think that what you know to be as true as the air you breathe does not fucking matter. Its as simple as that. And until We realize that arguing the law is useless when we argue to these men and women who make up law as they go, nothing is gonna change. And we know what that ultimately means. But they are betting We won't do it.

    2. Whatever they want it to mean, at the moment they want it to mean it. Nothing more, nothing less.

  2. San Fran is a long way from where I am in Idaho.


    Saber 7

    1. Hiroshima and Nagasaki are a long way from Tinian, too. Governments have a long reach.

    2. From Wikipedia-
      "The United States Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit is a federal court of appeals that has appellate jurisdiction over the district courts in the following districts:"

      One of which is the U.S. District Court for the District of Idaho.
      Your Court of Appeals looks at your state the same as it does Hawaii.

  3. I wonder what part of "Keep and Bear" confuses them? I know what part frightens them, that's pretty obvious.

    1. That would probably be the English language version of it...

  4. Their main problem is that the constitution does not grant anything to our republic. It only reaffirms that which we still believe that we are endowed by our creator with certain inalienable rights that do not come from paper, people nor any government. The ground they tread is beyond their realm and only negates their ability to tax and or spend in the names of those they have denied representation. The constitution does not explicitly state the ability to arm yourself but it does limit a constitutional republic from denying people their ability to defend themselves from anyone that wish to do US harm including these black robed barbarians.

    1. Our Constitution defines what our govt is ALLOWED to do, everything else is left up to the States and the People, thats us.

    2. "everything else is left up to the States and the People, thats us."

      We respectfully disagree. You're chattel.
      - The Government

  5. Then what does "bearing arms" mean?

  6. Upon many occasions I view my own government doing exactly what an invading army government would do = they are my enemy such as here. The very first thing an invading army would do to citizens is remove weapons. 1st order of business that men with guns come to take away my guns and kill me if I resist. So now my own government says I cannot carry own gun when I leave my home remember here my own government says police have NO duty to protect me. None. My 45 carried in excellent shoulder harness will protect me quite well.

  7. "...the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed." now means what? See ya in the Supreme Court.

  8. As usual, they have this ruling backwards. It should be "under the 2nd Amendment, American citizens HAVE the RIGHT to openly carry firearms WITHOUT RESTRICTION!

  9. Every judge who supported that decision should be impeached immediately.

    1. Impeached, huh Bob? That'd learn him, huh Bob. OG

  10. I like they went back to 1300s England, where only the "noble" upper class was allowed to own weapons. Using law from then and there, the ruling class today would still be able to do whatever they want to any of the lower classes and face no censure or other consequence.

  11. This ruling puts the 9th Circus at direct odds with a ruling from another Circuit Court of Appeals. If Cankles had won in 2016, we'd be surely fucked with the Supremes, but we may have a chance if it gets there before Harris/Biden stacks the court.

  12. Gee, I wonder how the 7 judges that formed the majority decision in this case would rule if they were to hear a case regarding the constitutionality of a constitutional carry state.

  13. The only appropriate response to this is round up those judges and HANG THEM. Nothing less will stop the never ending assaults on it freedoms.

  14. The logic they use is incomprehensible. Will they say next that you have freedom of speech but only within your own home? Perhaps next year, with the great reset, after the vaccinated start dying in large number, we can reorganize this country properly as our forefathers intended!


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